Sunday 21 January 2007

Did Anyone Notice the Breeze?

January's a pretty poor month for blog update regularity. Sorry. I'll update again before the month is over, I hope.

There's a gust so strong my windows howl. I stare outside to see crime scene tape flickering in the wind while it blockades my neighbours. To be honest, it's a pretty grim night.

However, I am updating. Why I haven't said anything until now is kinda because I haven't had much to say. Since New Year (which almost had everyone die from crushing, and still no fireworks) I have been doing pretty much nothing. I bought some new clothes, and went shopping with both Emma and Dan to Kingston. I also watched a lot of TV, including most of Lost. Again.

This is because most people have been unavailable. Dan was away, Emma's in Wales, Kiana's partying in California and Sarah never comes to see me. Mizuki's been working in her room, so it's been me and the TV (and once the kite) to entertain myself. You know, despite putting on a tiny bit of weight, it was fun. I saw Becky quite a bit, she's been catching up with Lost as well. She's just at the good bit in Season 2.

I finally got my GPS system today. It works with my phone. I also saw Babel at the cinema with my father. It was excellent. It's been among a flurry of good films I've seen recently, including Crash and The Ring. I'd seen The Ring before though. I also started XBox gaming again. Need for Speed: Carbon is a great game, I have almost finished. The end guy is hard.

All of that digital entertainment has sadly messed up my sleeping pattern. I have been going to bed around 1PM everyday, and getting up close to 9PM. It ruins the day a bit, I managed to fix that today, and I got up 9AM, but I hope it lasts. I won't write all night, as that'd also ruin it, but I need to keep the blog up to date.

My advice, see Babel, and see all of his films too. Also, don't go to bed in the early afternoon and get up at night.

Thursday 18 January 2007

Fudge and Caramel: They're Not the Same

I know I haven't updated in a while.

Get over it.

Sarah, my good friend Sarah, is possible the greatest person alive ever. Proper update soon, I promise honey.