Sunday 15 March 2009

Internal Frustration Engine

So electric cars are the future. That's what people keep saying, and what the government keeps pushing for, and what every motorist with half a conscience believes, whether they like it or not.

I know electric cars are coming for good. Petroleum based transport is going to be reserved for underdeveloped countries for a few decades longer than everyone else, and within a century, will be for rich enthusiasts only, if at all. That's a shame, because the internal combustion engine is a wondrous piece of engineering and gives a wonderful, powerful output, which car design has revolved around for more than a hundred years.

But there are worse things that could replace the petrol car: the bus, bicycles, trains, roller-skates... all of those are less favourable than an electric car. In fact, electric cars are good. Very good. What they lack in manual transmission they make up for in maximum power from zero revs. But I'm going to miss changing gear, I'm going to miss it a lot.

But welcoming us into this overdue electronic age is something somewhat of a disappointment: the Tesla Roadster.

I was looking forward to it. On paper it looked good. Very fast, convertible, very cheap to run and based on a supremely good car (the Lotus Elise). There isn't anything not to like. Why is it a problem?

Well, when some people criticise the electric car, they criticise the range. On the Tesla Roadster, it is about 244 miles. And that is its problem: it is being designed to go for 244 miles on a single charge. A two-seater, roofless sports-car has enough batteries to take it for nearly 250 miles at a time. To me, that's a serious problem.

Battery technology has not solved the problem of efficiently storing charge. Keeping electricity available requires heavy batteries that weigh the car down enormously. And 250 miles of that charge is heavy. This causes the car to be sluggish and sloppy in corners, where the makes-lots-of-tiny-explosions-in-a-metal-block powered Exige has the vehicle whipped, because an engine simply weighs so much less.

So, in doing almost everything right with the Tesla, they made that mistake. They chose to load it with large, heavy batteries to take it long distances instead of being nimble. And how are you going to entice a true petrolhead if they have to spend a small fortune on a car too heavy to take corners well? Sure, it's quick in a straight line and can drive for hundreds of miles... but that's wrong for a Lotus: they've turned a Lotus into an American muscle car.

I love muscle cars in general, but it isn't what a small two-seater should be about. It shouldn't be about range or straight-line speed, it should be about 'Look! We have an electric car for you and it's better than the petrol version'.

Now, their reasoning for doing this is obvious: the American market. But in doing so, they're alienating a group very important to electronic adoption: the car enthusiast.

If the Tesla Roadster were lighter and had a 60 mile range, it would be the perfect track-day car. Car enthusiasts would go crazy for them, and their pursuit of the combustion engine would fade faster.

And it isn't just the Tesla Roadster either. The Tesla Model S has a 300 mile range. The Ecotricity 'Wind Power' car has a 150 mile range. Elektrikar, 200+ miles. Liberty Electric Car's e-Range Rover, 200 miles. Phoenix Motorcar's SUV, 250+ miles.

And when you think about it, for the urbanite, this range is ridiculous. On a daily basis, I drive less than 20 miles. The longest trip I go on is 53 miles each way. 250 miles at a time is completely unnecessary, and yet if I adopt one of these cars, I have to carry 250 miles worth of electric charge storage wherever I go. It's SUV syndrome: sell people stuff they don't need, even if they'll never use it.

But there's the problem. Average American consumers are scared of a short range, and car enthusiasts tend to hate unnecessary weight. But instead of compromising, the car manufacturer went, as usual, in favour of the American market.

But there is a solution.

Divide the battery into five separate cells, each removable and replaceable by the owner. Each cell powers the car for 50 miles. For everyday city use, and track-day use, the owner has one cell in his vehicle, giving him short range, but low weight and fantastic handling. The car goes from sluggish to nimble instantly. For carrying passengers and longer trips, add a few more cells. You don't need the handling, and you can use the range.

As well as greatly increased versatility and an appeal that stretches beyond the 'I only use my car for long distance driving' mentality, this will entice new buyers, as you can make having five battery packs an option. This will take the initial price down significantly, and mean that fewer batteries need to be manufactured and distributed. This decreases the abundance of corrosive chemicals and also increases efficiency further by carrying less weight in the car.

Having removable batteries also means that someone can charge a battery without the car being present. It also sets a precedent for swapping stations instead of charging stations.

Best of all, it makes cars more fun to drive. But until then, I'd rather have an £8000 Elise than an £80000 Roadster. And I can still change gears.

Thursday 12 March 2009

So... Watchmen

Usually it takes ages for a film to come out in England. Far too long. Marley & Me, a film that Alyssa and I ridiculed non-stop through December, is just being released here. Bolt, which she saw before I even arrived in Hawai'i, has just been released. With this in mind, and knowing I saw it last night, one might think that in America Watchmen was a contemporary film.

But in reality, it was released both sides of the Atlantic at roughly the same time, so while reviewing it now isn't exactly bleeding edge, I'm only behind most by a week or so.

And we got Taken, like, last year man, so there.

So I don't know if you heard: they made a film based on Watchmen. I say based on, because a direct adaptation (while desirable) would be impossible. There is just too much of the original source material. But we all knew that.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer put it best: "an enjoyably esoteric Cliff's Notes version of the book", which I couldn't agree with more. It is just about accessible if you haven't read the book, but if you're a fan, it's very much love/hate. Well, like/hate, but in my case, I loved it.

I read it in December, which I feel was the perfect time. Here's why.

I sat there, in the IMAX Cinema in Wimbledon, smiling broadly at this realisation, a visual extravaganza that brings the illustrations off the page the way I had imagined them all holiday. Nothing was overdone, and the cheesy moments weren't too distracting. It was a balanced complement to the book, and every visual brought back memories of the book (which I had just started to forget), and overwhelmed my senses with the wonderful portrayal of the only comic book characters I have actually loved because of the comic.

I marvelled at seeing the characters whom I knew and loved from the book actually doing what I wanted to see them doing: fighting crime and being emo about it, like real people. The Dark Knight was one of my favourite films of last year, but while it had moral complexity and emotional battles, the sheer depth and complexity of Watchmen overshadows it.

It didn't keep everything I liked, but despite what Nic thought, it by no means ruined it. And despite the complex story being crammed into a mere two and a half hours, even those who hadn't read it, such as my sister, loved watching it. Others couldn't follow it, which I can understand. But a hardcore fan of a book can never really love the film as much, which is true of both me and Nic and Cattrina. But the degree to which our feelings differed was quite enormous.

During the Nite-Owl-and-Rorschach-in-the-bar-investigation scene, the projector (allegedly two projectors) managed to be so bright that I had to adjust my eyes to see the shadows, where the characters were. I don't know what it was shot on, but the range was incredible. That scene felt real, and whether that came across on non-IMAX screenings, I hope that directors in the future can make me feel that absorbed with just applied contrast ratios.

All in all, I don't want to gush, but I want to be clear that the movie is definitely worth seeing. Ignore the fanboys who rage with hatred, I can say that it is not a let down at all. In fact, it's like no superhero movie ever made. It makes even the Dark Knight look shallow by comparison, which is a tremendous feat.

And I have spoken to enough people who read it and enjoyed the film to say that I'm not being blinded by my own unrealistic expectations.

Also, see Taken. It's pretty good.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

One Hundred and Forty Characters

I've been a member of Twitter for a long time. More than a year (that's almost a decade in internet years). It's only in the past month that it's become a more central point in my life. I mean, unlike most crazes, the internet has a habit of keeping the influential ones around. YouTube, Facebook, LOLcats (though less pervasive these days), they've all become an internet staple, years after inception. Luckily, some have died out as quickly as they were born, but that's probably a good thing. To see a video about this, click this link. Actually, don't.

But now I'm pretty active on Twitter. I'm following a decent number of people so that I'm not bored, and enough people are following me. So if you read this and you aren't on Twitter (and following me), then stop being such a techno-prude and get with the new. Ish.

My Flickr Account expired, which was pretty sad. I tried to upgrade, but PayPal just tried to take money from my old debit card and everything failed, and I can't upgrade again until those payments expired. That's just an apology for anyone who has tried to download the Original size of my pictures and found themselves unable.

I have set up a music page, with most of the stuff I have recorded over the last few years. Here is one of my favourites, and the image from XKCD that inspired it.

I'm about to go and pick up some food for a dinner party tomorrow, and before that I'm getting the tools to switch my CD Player (in my BMW) with the one from the Mercedes. That way I can keep my MP3 CDs and the dude buying my car (later today) saves £30.

Then I'm finally off to see Watchmen. It's taken nearly a week to see it, but the wait is over. I read the comic over Christmas (like so many others) for the sole purpose of hating the film. Now I can feel indignant with Nic and Cattrina.

I'll let you know how it goes. My sister loved it.

Saturday 28 February 2009

Back with a Brand New Invention

So I spent a month redesigning my blog. It wouldn't be worthwhile if I didn't now keep it up to date.

Well, I last made a major change to my blog back in 2006, which I was in California. And then I just copied the layout. A year or so later I added a random colour interface, which I liked, but the random colour interface is back with some serious additions.

The random colour generator is now based on HSL values, rather than RGB. On top of this, it links in to my Flickr feed via PHP/XML, and fetches photos that complement the background colour. The photo page (a new addition) also displays my 15 most recent photos (with a fun portrait resizing algorithm).

Although I don't like it, I used a little javascript to hide the unnecessary sidebar elements. It was too cluttered without it. I also used javascript for the Twitter widget. And I hope to expand my links list. Email me if you want your blog there.

While I designed it primarily for webkit browsers (Chrome/Safari), it looks best with the new Firefox (3.1). That has better shadow support and all links look fantastic with it. That's because Firefox has better CSS3 support, and I've used it extensively.

As of today, my car is sold. It is with a heavy heart that I let it go, it's been the most faithful and reliable vehicle I have driven, and pretty darn quick on top of that.

Back on the Road

It was sold on ebay for £400, which I think is a steal, but I had to sell it, because it was out of insurance and tax, and I didn't want to pay for another year of either. But I have many, many good memories of driving that car, and it won't be forgotten.

I'm back from Hawai'i. I don't really want to be, but I am. It is paradise out there, and I wouldn't have minded staying another two months, but there are ends to everything and my holiday there is now over. It is an incredibly beautiful place, and winter made it very liveable (despite the occasional shower).

The Palm Trees on the Sky

Living in the land of the LOST was a major highlight in my life, even though I didn't meet any (major) characters. I did, however, get quite hurt. I detailed most of my injuries a couple of posts ago, but now I have illustrated them.

The injuries to my hands:

Accident One

The injuries to my legs:

Accident Two

I am mostly healed now, but I haven't had to use so many plasters (band-aids) since I was under ten. I felt like such a kid.

Innocent Smoothies are fantastic, but are rather expensive. I still drink them from time to time, and when I do, I enjoy the humourous notes on the side of the bottle. On the ingredients list on one particular drink, it listed, '1 Apple, 1.5 Bananas, 1 Small Church (not really)' or something along those lines. Since then, I have had a desire to consume a small church.

Lisa had a party (which Alyssa was sadly too ill to attend), where we made things out of crackers and sweets. You can guess what I made.

One Small Church

When I publish this post (and republish the blog), I will fix any errors and dead links that may have been, and it should be mostly operational. I hope this design lasts long enough to be enjoyed by all. I'll be adding more as time goes on.

Despite what I said at the beginning, it's good to be back. Things are starting again.

Thursday 29 January 2009

Secret Messages

One of the things I like most about the beginning of the year is a new season on Lost. I'm a big fan. I've seen all the episodes at least twice (or so- a couple in the fourth season I've only seen once). I have visited every accessible filming location in Oahu. I read about it to an excess. I edit Lostpedia, and I was once told by a professor that I should teach a degree in Lost. I even wrote a song about it.

I was thrilled when I read about the hidden Dharma logo in Half Life 2: Episode 2, and sought it out immediately. But watching the Colbert Report today was the first time I noticed a reference without some prodding.

During the segment 'Cheating Death' on the 27th of January episode, a fake cheque on-screen was written out to Jeremy Bentham. This could be a coincidence, as Jeremy Bentham is a philosopher, but closer examination reveals that the serial number is 4815, and the date is the 22nd of September 2004- the date of the crash.

Colbert and Bentham

I'm thrilled Colbert (or at least one of his writers) is a Lost fan. I'm going to watch a little closer.

Speaking of which, I'm happy with how the new season is going. I wasn't sure after the first two episodes, but tonight's one made me really feel like I was back on the Island. Which, technically, I am. I'm looking forward to more.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Waikiki, Why?

The sea is a cruel mistress. I'm thinking of breaking up with her.

My holiday in Hawai'i has meant that I have been minorly injured more times than I have been in the last seven or so years. Small cuts, insect bites, scrapes, strains and bruises... and with the exception of the bites, they have all been a result of the sea.

Swimming in the sea was the first time I had gone swimming since my school days. Alyssa and I went to Waimanalo, and we had a relaxing swim there. A stray rock in the sand gave my foot a bruise/scrape that didn't hurt too much, but was somewhat painful to walk on for a few days.

Then Waimea Bay, a seemingly innocent beach with a shore-break that can hurl an unsuspecting, grown man into the sand hard enough to make his back hurt for a week. Not that I didn't enjoy the beach there, but the waves can take you by surprise. And if you're trying to body-surf, your timing had better be excellent. Also, the Jamba Juice Gift Card that Alyssa's parents gave my for Christmas was swallowed by the sand, never to be seen again.

Going body-boarding at Waimanalo again was fun until a Portuguese Man-o-War found my leg (it didn't hurt nearly as much as the last time I was stung, in Durban, when I was about seven, and I knew them as bluebottles).

I decided to try my hand at surfing at Waikiki, which is a beautiful, if somewhat touristy place. After just an hour and a half of trying, and a few waves caught successfully, I was exhausted by the effort. It is physically demanding, but extremely worthwhile.

Worthwhile enough for me to go again a week or so later, with Alyssa. Having lived most of her life in Hawai'i, I was surprised that Alyssa hadn't surfed before, especially because she took to it so naturally. She caught some excellent waves, while I wasn't as lucky as I had been the previous trip, and in my search for good surf, I discovered the best waves were directly over rocks, and a fall there cut my hands up reasonably well. I expect I will keep at least one scar from that.

Surfing yesterday (the first time I had traveled to the beach alone), with a borrowed board, was great fun. The waves were uneven at best, but a few good ones sent my riding the waves. The board wasn't waxed, which kept me slipping off. Since the waves were few and very far between, a lot of the surfers just sat on their boards chatting for a while, and I met a kind Southern Californian gentleman, who gave me a bar of "Shark Bait" surf-wax, and hopefully my next trip to the beach will be more productive. That's not to say I didn't have my toes relatively cut up by the end of that trip.

I extended my holiday in Hawai'i by a few weeks, as I simply wasn't ready to go home yet. And I'm still not. I haven't surfed enough yet.

Thursday 1 January 2009

The Year in Review

While most of the world is already well into their first day of this new year, I'm barely 2 hours through 2009. Here in Hawai'i we are among the last to ring in the year, but we did so in style and grace. And while I used the 2007 review to remind myself of what I accomplished and what happened then, I am sure I will use this one in the future, and I'm only slightly dismayed I waited until the year had passed to actually commence writing it.

The Worst of 2008
in no particular order

Losing Family

I tended to be pretty lucky with elderly relatives until this year. I lost two grandfathers and an aunt in a matter of months. Today, January 1st, is the first birthday my aunt Anne is missing. I feel terribly for her, and for my father, who has lost so much of his family in too short a time.

The Pound Losing its Strength

The financial crisis has hit many people in many ways. For me, it's made America expensive, which shouldn't be the case at all. It also stopped me from getting a perfect job. Rumours are the dollar will plummet shortly into January. I'll be changing money immediately.

Apple iPhone 3G

Come on.

Losing Cocoa as a Friend

Circumstance on both sides pushed us apart, and while we saw each other every so often, it wasn't as good as it was. But it's part of life. People grow together and apart like breathing.

Not Having Any Way Out

Job market, motivation, commitments, debts... I needed a way out of a rut in 2008, and too many things were keeping me in it.

Not Blogging as Much

Look at the archives. I mean, that's just lazy.

The Best of 2008
in no particular order

Making Life Changing Friends

I say, 'no particular order', but this -and related content- was clearly the highlight of my year. Friends like Lisa and Rachel, who affected me very profoundly and made me feel really great about being me. On top of them, I rediscovered so many friends, and saw them more and realised how great they were.

Portal Prelude and TFV Map Pack

Portal was expanded, for free, twice, making the fantastic game even more so.

Falling in Love

Finding a girl who is so suited to me, despite being the ultimate long distance relationship, made me feel thoroughly loved, and I love her. Alyssa and I are inseparable, and it's comforting to think of her at any point, always supporting me and always being there. It's a real blessing to know that kind of devotion, and to be able to return it. Long distance relationships are hard, but I knew that going in, and we've done well.


I've wanted to buy myself a decent digital camera for a while. I've never owned a point-and-shoot because I've feared putting money into something that doesn't expand and could have limits. I've wanted a digital SLR, and finally, in February, I got one as a late Christmas present. Since then, I've taught myself as much as I could, and I don't feel like I've done too badly. I've been paid very well for some of my work and I have some high quality equipment. It's a joy I share with several friends, especially Alyssa.

South Africa in Winter, Winter in Hawai'i

I've had a couple of thrilling holidays this year. A few weeks in Africa with my father, more weeks in Hawai'i with Alyssa. A feature of both was that during the holidays I ate well and gained weight, but it's a passable pay-off for fond memories.

Getting Cocoa Back

Despite losing touch, recent activities meant that we became good friends again, and after a little while, it seemed like nothing had happened.

Having a Plan

I think I know what I'm going to do now.