Wednesday 7 September 2005

Post 101

I won't number them for long, I promise.

There actually seems like there's less to celebrate with this post. Rather than the symmetry of the post number, it's rather an average post. I didn't post yesterday, and that was due mainly in part to not being near a computer and having the time to post. I had a huge problem, as I had lost my phone. I was sure that I'd left it at Dan's flat, but of course, I'd put it on silent while I was in the library, so only the vibrating function of the phone was a clue to its whereabouts.

This caused problems, as I had arranged to meet Qian in the morning to work on programming. I emailed her from Southlands, but the chances of her checking her email were small, so I drove to her place and took her to Southlands, where I found that teaching C++ is harder than I thought. I had to describe memory allocation much earlier than I'd hoped, just to get started. But I got into the groove quickly, and she was understanding more than I was after several weeks after about an hour learning, so I think I can give her a head start in it.

We arranged to meet again in a couple of days, seeing as I have had to work today (and I haven't finished, I'm just taking sporadic breaks). I have been scanning the same motorcycle magazines that I scan just about every month, but I have had to do twice the usual amount seeing as I was in another country last month.

Speaking of the other country, I'm listening to iTunes radio, and the song that Yayoi sang at Karaoke is playing. A piano instrumental version, but still, it's bringing back memories. Just as a song that I downloaded today has been doing. Fairyland, by Ayumi Hamasaki, played just about everywhere I went, especially in Tokyo. So when I finally remembered the name, with a little help from Yukina, I set about looking for an easy download site. All the torrents were unseeded, and eventually I found a French MP3 site, which I could understand enough to get a nice 320kbps version from. I'll play it to Emma and see if she recognises it.

After I returned from teaching Qian, I put on a CD that Kumiko had burnt for me, another Icelandic band/composer. It was really interesting, and I enjoyed it enough to listen to it again that night. But after it finished, I fell asleep for three hours, so it was about nine in the evening when I woke. I spent the rest of my time watching an entire disc of Frasier, and then a quick trip to Tesco's at 3AM, to stock up on lemonade. After that, I think I slept.

But it was strange enough to disorientate me. My hours are suffering terribly, and I'll have to work them back to health.

This radio is almost unbearable. The music is great, but my torrents upstairs are taking so much bandwidth that it has to be 24kbps. Horrible.

I should get back to work. I hope you all the best. And seriously, those of you with blogs, update. Except for Hap, you've been good.

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