Sunday 28 May 2006

Infrequency Dissolved

I warned you about this blog, but on reading a thank you note from someone for updating from a week ago, I decided to go again. For this to work, I upload this to an old FTP site, then copy the whole site to my computer, then I upload it to my current, non-working server, bypassing the bloggerblocker that has delayed all of my updates.

Joy indeed.

Anyway, I'll post what's been on my mind recently.

I've been to the cinema twice this week. That's a lot more than I have been for a while, but it's a good time for movies. I still haven't seen MI3, and my sister won't go with me out of principal, but I did get to see XMen 3, which I thought was better than the first, but not as good as the second. My recommendation is to stay after the credits.

I also saw the Da Vinci Code, which brought about its share of grievances. Upon entering with Housei, Emma and Dan, Emma instantly made a bee line for the back of the cinema, while I would have preferred sitting near the front. Despite there being a compromise-friendly set of four seats in the middle, they insisted on three rows from the back, which would make the screen smaller than my TV. I don't pay money for movies if they're going to be smaller than what I have at home, so I abandoned them in favour of the front row centre option, which didn't crane my neck or hurt my eyes. I really don't know why people insist on entering different levels of atmosphere in order to see films. I was also left watching alone, which is never preferable.

But let's look at it as a film. I have heard and read from so many people about how terrible the book is, and how correspondingly bad the film is. People seem to absolutely hate this man and the pages he's turned out. I have asked why, and people give different reasons. The reasons seem to be that it has no literary merit and is popularised by controversy alone, and Dan Brown has made his fortune with no real talent. I haven't read the book, it's not the kind of novel I like. But I saw the film, and I tend to feel like... what's all the fuss about, the love and the hate?

It's a well thought out yarn. He hasn't broken any moulds, I saw a lot of it coming (and I'm not usually good with that), and I'd already seen Dogma so the twist lost its effect. But it's an entertaining watch, and from what I hear, a page turner. It's pulp fiction that happened to get a lot of press because people have taken it too seriously. But I don't understand why everyone who hates it takes it so far. The church bans it in certain areas and forces more prominent disclaimers about its accuracy, and other people spend so much energy hating it and telling others to hate it... why? At least the church has an excuse of blind faith driving it. Surely there or things with less merit that are more popular and worth hating? What about Big Brother Seven? What about the World Cup? The entertainment market is saturated with shallow and substance-free material that far exceeds the lack of talent that Dan Brown has.

Are talentless rich people even worth hating at all? Isn't there enough crap in the world to be pissed at before we start tearing apart unworthy authors? It seems that hating Dan Brown is quite a popular thing to do right now, just while JK Rowling is out of the limelight for a while.

My advice to people who are tempted to be drawn into the hype is: it's hardly a groundbreaker, but it's a fun movie excursion. It's better than a lot of films being made, it's just a little long. The advice that people give about this film is not to believe it or its facts and that it is just a piece of fiction. That is true, and it always has been, just like Shrek or Fargo or any other film.

Sorry, that was just a counter-rant to all the hatred I've heard and seen. It just doesn't seem worth it.

I have been in need of a good massage for a while now. I flew my kite again, that always hurts my back muscles. I'm glad I wore a cheap (DHARMA) shirt, I was dragged for ages by my kite during some gusts. Dan and I met some other kite flying while we were there, and they were quite serious about it. One of them let my fly his 6.6 metre kite. If you need some kind of scale, that's six point six metres. That had pull. I took off properly with that thing. I mean, it takes ages to turn in comparison, but it's a serious beast.

I need to speak to Yukina or Jenny or Erin soon, so if any of you are online, message me. Or call me. My number hasn't changed.

I now have a flickr account, so all my outrageous tales are more frequently documented visually, and always accessible, since I can update them from my phone.

In honesty with you people, I have to say, I'm not sure I can keep these updates up at all. It involves a lot of FTP stuff, and I hate it because I have to change so many settings and I keep reinstalling clients. I update when I can, but savour what you read, for it is gold dust in your hands: fleeting, and in short supply. Oh, and awesome.

I want to buy a Delorean. I will begin saving.

I will try and make an update every so often, but I've spent an hour writing this, so I hope you all enjoy. Miss you guys.


Anonymous said...

Homeslice, what's your AIM SN?

Ripton said...

It's still Univertal, but I'm hardly ever on. Only when I'm using Linux, which isn't often. I'm usually on MSN now, which is the same as my email: ripton(at)

Anonymous said...

That's a great article
Church Software Management