Wednesday 22 November 2006


A couple of major things came to mind today. Firstly, never before have I felt that I completely misjudged someone before. I don't think I have been in a situation where my opinion of someone could change so much in such a short space of time. I mean, I misjudge people on appearances, which is why I am careful about judging by appearance (but it is a natural thing to do), but I knew this person beforehand, and I judged them on having spoken with them quite a lot, and spent some time with them. And then I spent more time, and I spent more time with them and my opinion flip-flopped like John Kerry*. Basically, I completely underestimated someone.

It feels very good to realise that I was wrong about how I felt, and my opinion, and it leads to several values I hold coming in to question. But hey, what doesn't these days?

I also did something very fun. Something Natasha once said was amusing; I told her that Qian and I were talking about something or other, and she said something along the lines of, "Oh, you and Qian talk about things other than work?". This was amusing, because more often than not, Qian and I spent ages chatting instead of working, and just having a fun time. People often misjudged our friendship. Anyway, tonight she called me, and while she usually calls me to arrange to meet up, she called me today because she was feeling down and wanted to be cheered up. And we chatted for half an hour about all kinds of crazy stuff, mainly what we'd done the last few days and our friends, and we laughed about various situations I was in. She even offered to split up Rika (the masseuse) from her boyfriend and give me her number. Thanks Qian. I don't need guilt. But for someone who hasn't quite mastered the English language, she certainly has a very humourous grasp of sarcasm, a trait most Americans can't handle. And she used it very wittily to mock me for a while, and had me laughing very hard. It was our longest phone call, and the most fun. And at the end of it, she told me how much happier she was because of it. And without realising it, the same had happened to me. It's put me in a great mood all evening.

As it turns out, my 3D Animation lecturer is a big Lost fan. After a short discussion, he informed me that I should take a Degree in Lost. If only they offered it. Helgi's catching up, I hope. And Dan has told me he's watching Season 2 properly again. Thank goodness. In that vein of though, I'm going to start reading The Third Policeman.

*I don't mean anything against John Kerry, he is a great man and deserved a place in the Oval Office. But it's a great simile and confuses the politically ignorant readers.

Tuesday 21 November 2006

Jenny on Roehampton!

Oh my god, Jenny is on the Roehampton frontpage! That is so cool!


Rock on!

Monday 20 November 2006

Card Sharp

First off the bat, anyone who doesn't see Casino Royale... well, their loss. One of the best Bond films I've seen, truly magnificent. I got to see it with my father, who I've seen every Bond film with since Goldeneye. Good memories, eleven years of father son explosion movies.

But Bond has a new face and a new style. And the attributes of the last film which I didn't like as much (the over use of sci-fi elements, puns and Halle Berry) weren't present. And it's a great film. Due to the amount of Poker I have been playing in the past day or so, it was fun to see some Casino action. I have a feeling this version is better than the spoof version.

After managing to eat most of the food from yesterday's party with my family (one bag of prawn crackers is left), I met up with Yunhae again and we saw Dan and Mike. I found some old magic tricks of mine, and I showed them, and I was happy with how they went with those I showed. I'll be showing others over the next few days. Rediscovering old patter was fun.

I have work tomorrow, and I need to be getting up earlier. I'm heading out. Goodnight.

Sunday 19 November 2006

Non Political

This post will not contain anything to do with politics.

Anyway, my life has been going pretty swimmingly. I've had a hiccup or two, but nothing major. I went on another date with Laura, and following that Qian's friend Yunhae took me out clubbing. The day after I went to Sarah B's party, which was really cool, and I didn't put much effort into my costume, so I wasn't disappointed I was the only one in costume (I went as a toffee). It proved to be a strange weekend for me, and I spent a good deal of time talking to original Sarah about it. Subsequently, she promised to kiss me when she sees me next, which is very flattering and ego boosting. Picture me with a mint-spray and a tie.

All through the week I worked hard. I saw my cousins properly for the first time in years, going for a curry at Pam's house, Imogen has grown up to be quite the fun person. We stayed up until late playing Yes/No games, and due to the fact that I took my own car, I didn't have to go when the parents did, which was a first.

3D Animation is taking its toll. I'm working very hard on modelling the stuff and getting it all together. I did sound work today. I hope I can get it done, as now it's week 9 (God, Uni is flying by).

For those of you who don't like the colour scheme, I recommend that you press refresh on your browser. ... I know, implemented in PHP.

Today (Sunday) is Qian's birthday. Woo! Happy Birthday! And last night (Saturday) was her party. I have been making banoffee pies the last couple of weeks, and for her party I made a superb one. But there was so much food going around, I don't think it got very sampled sadly. They still have it and will eat it though. This one contained crushed Daim bars. The party started at 8PM and went on until 40 minutes ago (5AM). I took a brief break from it dropping Emma, Xing, Coco and Genki home, but Weiwei wanted me to return, and I did. Most of the party was spent playing Poker or Blackjack, and I met lots of fun people. After I got back, one girl, Rika, gave me the most fantastic massage, and I chatted with Weiwei until the early, early hours. I had a really good time, including the time Xing smacked me in the nose with his head in Twister.

I saw Dan today as well, only briefly, but I intend to see him later today, maybe some comedy. Right now, I'm sleepy, and still partially euphoric from that massage.

If you haven't done already, Refresh (F5). If you're reading this on Facebook, it won't work. Go to the original post. And new readers (like Sandra), I hope you enjoy. There is a serious archive of my life the past two years.

Wednesday 8 November 2006

Six Figure Design

Rick Santorum lost his seat.

The Democrats won the crucial Pennsylvania seat. I can't call this one just yet, but I might say that the Mid-Terms have not looked to shabby from what has happened so far on the streaming BBC. Ned Lamont lost, sadly, but I'm not unhappy with the results. The Senate is changing hands. For those of you who don't know/care, it's about the American elections that occurred today. It doesn't matter much, just how the world is ruled.

A collection of quotes that epitomise a cross-section of politicians.

Seeing all these speeches from politicians reminds me of that Chappelle sketch. It wasn't funny.

I think I've lost the English audience at this point. Well, a little about me and my week: I now have a new Japanese speaking partner, Yusuke, this crazy guy who is pretty in tune with how I want to talk, and I just need to follow his lead a bit, and maybe my language will get better.

I need to finish my handout sheet for next lesson on Thursday, to send to Fuyu. I also found out Kelly (good Kelly) is on Facebook at last, as well has having a couple of good Pool games with Helgi. A couple of you may have noticed the colour scheme change. Refresh the page a couple of times, and tell me what you think. In a comment. Comments, people!

I watched an event I hadn't witnessed since High School today, a teacher (lecturer) shouting and kicking out a pupil from a class. He was disobeying him, but he was taking it as a joke, and was really shocked when he got disciplined. But it showed just how resistant he was to authority. He refused to accept his fate, and only moved with the threat of security being called. I saw how he was so angry, and hated being told what to do by anyone. It's a whole culture that doesn't take orders well, and I could tell, the lecturer was loving getting to discipline him (the student was being a pratt, and had been pushing boundaries far too much). I couldn't help but laugh.

I miss you all who I do not see enough.

Sunday 5 November 2006

Post Two Hundred

This is the 200th post I have made to this blog. I am quite glad at its longevity. So on this historic occasion, let us look at the latest news:

Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death.

An hour ago the BBC reported he is to hang. This is the first time in my life that I am aware of someone, and they are to be executed. I mean, I've known of people being executed, but I've only known of the person because of the execution. I have been aware of Saddam for a while. Might I also say... days before the US midterm Elections! What incredible timing! Luckily all reading Americans will hurry to their RepubliCom voting machines and vote for the bold leader that brought us this verdict.

Government trial interference is terrible, and it doesn't matter who, either. Saddam Hussein is entitled to a fair trial, as much as any man. I mean, he's going to hang either way, but no one will doubt the verdict if the trial is fair. And by the looks of it, and by the complaints of Human Rights Watch (an American group), it seems to have suffered a great deal of government tampering.

But oh well, hooray for the red, white and blue.

Now that's a surprisingly political start for my blog. I don't usually discuss politics, I know. And avid readers will be able to name each time I have (cookie for the first comment with a correctly formatted list of political QB articles).

3DS Max is an incredible program. I have discovered so much more about how it works, and how fantasticly fun some of the things can be. I have been playing a lot. I made a city, too.

It is the fifth of November, and last night (Saturday), I drove out to mooch some free Fireworks displays. The KCS (my old school) display is usually at the forefront with amazing displays in Wimbledon. And with an illegal parking space just in front (somebody's driveway), I got an amazing view. I was asked to leave shortly afterwards, and my excuse was that I was overcome by the beauty of the fireworks.

I am experimenting with ways of keeping warm without using the central heating. I have my lemonade bottle filled with hot water, it works pretty well. And later today I'll probably try cheap double glazing.

I looked into my possible grades in the future, and I was quite happily surprised. I mean, it won't fall into my lap, but if I put in some effort, my final grade won't be too bad. I'm not sure if the same can be said for other people's grades, but I am not too badly off.

It's very cold. Really cold.

Ronin is an excellent film, if anyone has the chance to see it, definitely see it.