Sunday 19 November 2006

Non Political

This post will not contain anything to do with politics.

Anyway, my life has been going pretty swimmingly. I've had a hiccup or two, but nothing major. I went on another date with Laura, and following that Qian's friend Yunhae took me out clubbing. The day after I went to Sarah B's party, which was really cool, and I didn't put much effort into my costume, so I wasn't disappointed I was the only one in costume (I went as a toffee). It proved to be a strange weekend for me, and I spent a good deal of time talking to original Sarah about it. Subsequently, she promised to kiss me when she sees me next, which is very flattering and ego boosting. Picture me with a mint-spray and a tie.

All through the week I worked hard. I saw my cousins properly for the first time in years, going for a curry at Pam's house, Imogen has grown up to be quite the fun person. We stayed up until late playing Yes/No games, and due to the fact that I took my own car, I didn't have to go when the parents did, which was a first.

3D Animation is taking its toll. I'm working very hard on modelling the stuff and getting it all together. I did sound work today. I hope I can get it done, as now it's week 9 (God, Uni is flying by).

For those of you who don't like the colour scheme, I recommend that you press refresh on your browser. ... I know, implemented in PHP.

Today (Sunday) is Qian's birthday. Woo! Happy Birthday! And last night (Saturday) was her party. I have been making banoffee pies the last couple of weeks, and for her party I made a superb one. But there was so much food going around, I don't think it got very sampled sadly. They still have it and will eat it though. This one contained crushed Daim bars. The party started at 8PM and went on until 40 minutes ago (5AM). I took a brief break from it dropping Emma, Xing, Coco and Genki home, but Weiwei wanted me to return, and I did. Most of the party was spent playing Poker or Blackjack, and I met lots of fun people. After I got back, one girl, Rika, gave me the most fantastic massage, and I chatted with Weiwei until the early, early hours. I had a really good time, including the time Xing smacked me in the nose with his head in Twister.

I saw Dan today as well, only briefly, but I intend to see him later today, maybe some comedy. Right now, I'm sleepy, and still partially euphoric from that massage.

If you haven't done already, Refresh (F5). If you're reading this on Facebook, it won't work. Go to the original post. And new readers (like Sandra), I hope you enjoy. There is a serious archive of my life the past two years.

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