Sunday 3 December 2006

13 Weeks

Yay, comments. Hey guys.

What an eventful week! I had a Karaoke party on Tuesday, and another Japanese lesson, a dinner party, watched Lost with Dan, a movie to publicise and 35 pages to write. And of course, my 3D animation to finish. Which is looking like it won't get spoken lines. Or at least no animated lines. But other than that, it looks great.

The party on Tuesday was Yunhae's party. We sang songs and ate delicious food. To clear things up, Yunhae is a friend of mine in the second year, and she provides interesting conversation. I've mentioned her twice before. She's also the person I misjudged previously. I invited her to come and see a play tonight, but she couldn't make it.

Which leads me on to what I did tonight! I saw a play! With Dan! He called up, we went out to London for cheap, and we saw Love Song. It's a new play, very funny, and it deals with a simple man and his love. It had a great soundtrack, and was sad as well. It wasn't very long, only an hour and a half, but I'm not complaining. I thought it was excellent and would recommend it. It had the bad guy from Red Eye in it, and Sally from 3rd Rock from the Sun, as well as Neve Campbell (you know, Scream). So cast wasn't an issue. And there was some really good chemistry going on.

Last night I went around to Qian's house, and I had a wonderful home cooked dinner. And I met with Lin again! I hadn't seen Lin in a year and a half, not since my 20th Birthday party. I met her with Weiwei back when they put makeup on me and Xing put on a bra with oranges and ran around Southlands. Memories.

All you lazy sods who don't email me or comment, take a tip from Erin, who is awesome enough to email me and join GMail because of me.

I'm going to Ireland. I may have mentioned it, but I say again, I'm going to road trip to Ireland before Christmas with my cousin and Yunhae, and we're going to party and drive across the country. Maybe if I find some nice roads, well...

Driving back from Qian's house yesterday, I drove past Whitelands, and where the road from Whitelands joins Roehampton Lane, you turn right then left onto the main road through traffic lights. As I hit the main road, still turning a little, I went to second gear and I lost all rear wheel traction. My back end slid out and when I let off the power it snapped back. It was frigetening. Frightening enough to go around and do again. Bring on snow.

My arm hurts, and I can't think why. Maybe I slept on it badly, maybe I strained it in quick gear shifting, I can't tell. Weiwei put her herbal medicine to it, and it felt better, but herbal medecine takes a long time for healing. I hope it gets better soon enough. Enjoy your update, peons. It'll probably be the last before I hand in my work. I love and miss you all.


Anonymous said...

Snow??? Is it the proper stuff? Soft and fluffy and stays on the ground for hours, or is it the crap stuff I'm not missing cause all it does is make you wet...
I have not had any snow yet, but I have had 70s parties, and a weekend in gay Paris. There's a bilingual pub quiz tonight too!!! Oh the joys of France!
Missing you muchly my dearest, not long til Christmas when we can have Skype conversations for FREE!!!!

Two weeks!

Anonymous said...

one word. . .

Anonymous said...

i can comment 'cus i'm a commenting computer typist

Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment, Comment,

That should do it

Ripton said...

No snow yet, but I can't wait to drive it when it does.

But December is still young.