Thursday 1 February 2007

I Have Time

I promised you one before the close of January, and this is it. It won't be epic, but I'll fill you in on the important stuff:

It snowed. Remember a few posts ago when I said bring on snow? They did. And on seeing the white carpet covering London, I rushed to Southlands campus to join in the snowball fights and sledding. But everyone stayed in bed and no-one was there. So I drove to Richmond Park, where I found the most beautiful, large car park, with trees and untouched, virgin snow covering the dirt below. It just invited drifting and sliding, and I had such a fun time that I got very used to the control and hope to do it again soon. However, the police didn't enjoy it as much and told me that if they caught me doing it again they'd crush my car.

But that just added to the thrill. It was one of the best snow days ever. There was also a period of three days where I saw a different brand new Ferrari every single day. Maybe a dealer opened nearby. I might get one if I have a chance to later.

I also got a GPS Bluetooth thing for my phone. The dongle was £35, and it came with software for navigating, but the software wasn't very good. It needed to go online to download maps, it took ages, etc. Dan helped me get Tomtom software for it, and now it's absolutely perfect. I even made a little holder for the car. I also started shaving with traditional double-edged razors. Occasionally, it causes me great pain.

My monitor suddenly stopped working. My beautifully big 19" CRT monitor just went black and started clicking. In searching for replacements on eBay, I went one better with a 21" monitor, and bettered that by getting two of them. Sadly, after a long drive through London (navigated electronically), I picked them up and the guy didn't have any cables for them. These cables cost £25 from PC World and £15 from Maplins, and the monitors were only £37 for both, and I didn't see the point in spending nearly that just on cables. I decided to cut the cable from my old monitor, and solder on a new plug which I got for a pound at Maplins. I hadn't soldered in close to nine years, but I still managed it cleanly, and despite not getting any green on the first try, I fixed it perfectly, and made myself a new cable from almost nothing. And it was fun. I need to do it again for the other monitor, but one 21" for now is plenty. Come on, the resolution is 1920 x 1440.

I'm starting the RPM Challenge in 29 minutes. It's where you have to write and record an album in a month (February). I'm just going to go for it and make something beautiful in a short time. I recommend anyone with any musical interest to at least try. My solo band is called Gentle Glow. For now.

If all goes to plan, I will be seeing Sarah on the 12th, and I can't wait. If you're reading, Sarah, 12th is good. But I'll text you anyway.

That's my other January post. I told you. See you all next month.

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