Thursday 24 May 2007

Very Long

I get scarce around this time of year. It happens. I can't help it. The blog just dies for a while, and I can't get the motivation to add to it.

Some seriously cool things have happened since I last updated. I temporarily abandoned Dvorak (I had Dissertation to do, and it was holding it up). I turned 22, and with that I felt age creeping up on me. My mother bought a sports car, and occasionally puts me on the insurance, which means late night trips to London are much more exciting. London without a roof is very different.

I'm just finishing off my University time. I'm in the process of finishing one of my last courseworks, which is the most technically demanding one so far, involving Apache and PHP and MySQL and loads of SQL coding. It's actually more fun than I thought, though I've been doing this for about 15 hours straight now and I'm still not finished yet. But not much more to go. And then a report. Damnit. When is there time for Lost? 24? Heroes? All of which are damn well concluding!

My mother's MG is brilliant. In reality, it's only slightly quicker than my BMW, and I have a greater top speed. But it's a mid-engine vehicle, which means it handles much better, and in the hands of a competent driver (ie my father), it's a fierce machine.

Meeting one of James's friends (another Californian) has thrown me into worry about my future. I want to live in Japan, but every American I meet makes me want to return to America. A job at Google and a part time Berkeley course, could it be better? Or more demanding?

No for both questions.

But I'm still intending to go to Tokyo. After I move back home. Since we began living in our house on the 5th of July 2005, our contract expires on the 4th of July 2007, and that's when I'm moving back in with my parents. I'm calling it Dependence Day.

Emma's now working in Hell Pizza, a New Zealand pizza chain, which is outstandingly tasty. Their pizzas really are well made and unique, and nothing really comes close now that I've sampled them. Mama's just doesn't do it for me anymore.

After taking James's friend to Stanstead, I got back and left my headlights on. I haven't done that before, it was embarrassing, and I completely drained my battery. I was in luck though, and my father brought some jumper cables and I had a trip to the M25 and back to put some power back in.

I should get back to work, I thought I'd just let you in on what I'm up to and where I'm going with my life. I'll update when I finish University. That'll be a landmark.


Anonymous said...

dude where are you and what's going to happen to all of us???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there are some pretty cool Americans, man.

But we have to deal with George Bush, so...

but then, I guess so does the rest of the world, and they didn't even get to vote for him. :\

Anyway, hey.

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys, even though...*sigh*...never mind. Hope you're all cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey man. Randomly tagging your comment section yet again. ^_^

Hope things continue to go well.

Anonymous said...

snape kills dumbledore