Friday 21 September 2007

Now You've Gone and Done It

Well, she insisted upon a laptop, and she bought one. Luckily, she avoided the laptop trap: a cheap one from Acer or Dell or one you haven't heard of. She went for a Sony Vaio, and I am pretty jealous. It was only £500, and that's a very good price for one. I'm impressed. It only has 1GB of RAM, but other than that it isn't too badly specced out.

I had the Second Funtime Korean Ice-Cream Party. It involved a group of friends and some family, just eating curry and then Korean ice-cream, usually courtesy of Yunhae. It was very fun, but Imogen got called back earlier than we'd hoped. It was fantastic to see Kiana again, and I also hadn't seen Natasha or Yunhae for a long time, and that was loads of fun. Most importantly, I got to see Emma again, as I'd really been missing her. Se came up to my house for three days, for her friend Han's wedding and the party and a shopping day in Kingston with me and my sister.

A few people may know about the width limiter at Hammersmith bridge. It's there to make sure wide (heavy) lorries and trucks don't go onto the bridge. Buses have a special lane, but for the private vehicles, they have to be a certain width or less. My car fits, but there are only a few inches to spare on each side. It's quite wide for a small car. Anyway, I know it fits. Whenever Natasha makes a comment on my driving (such as saying it's 'atrocious' when she means it's efficient [I know where all my tyres are, where they are headed and how fast, how much traction they have, how likely they are to lose their traction, and most importantly, how to deal with a loss of traction]), I do something to frighten her, because she's really easily frightened. Such as, this time, headed for the width limiter quite quickly. I know my car will make it, so it doesn't actually matter how fast you go through it, it's a straight line, and straight lines are pretty easy. And that was fun. She'll realise that it is very possible to be safe without driving like you're asleep. As I learnt today, aggressive driving is, in fact, safer.

Speaking of which, apparently Dan "is ready for an apology". If you're reading this, Dan, apology accepted.

I recommend to not only my friends but to everyone ever, ShakeAway. It's a takeaway milkshake place. It's not somewhere where you can go everyday, or even once a week, unless you're a billionaire, but it makes the best milkshakes. I had a Daim with a Smarties topping. It cost £3.90, but once every so often, I really recommend it. Tastier than a Frappucino.

So for the past few days, I have been seeing old friends, hearing from many on Facebook, chatting away. I went to University to pick up Natasha and Kiana, and while I was there I spoke to the System Administrator, and asked for a job, and he agreed. I'll be working at University again, like I did before, but with more hours and more money. He's a good guy, Mr Dube. I've also spoken to Erin somewhat, and discussed with her my new idea. I'm going to have to think about it more.

I watched an episode of Pimp my Ride. The presenter, 'Westwood', irritated the hell out of me. I couldn't stand him and the way he spoke. The concept of the show irritated me as well: making an average car look pretty in making it much heavier. But most of all, the name irritated me. It made me sick, actually. I'm sure I've gone on about it before, but I still dislike it immensely.

I also discovered that Jacque lu Cont has done a remix of Chromeo's Needy Girl. I'm going to have to give that a listen. I hope you're all well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I was stalking your blog. Canada's on the same continent. You could have drove down a few hundred miles haha.


I might be going to France for Maymester. But I'm not sure yet.