Tuesday 16 September 2008

President Mom

A Matt Damon Production: President Mom

With some free time, I decided to go for some political hits using Photoshop. I'm aware that an image won't change the world, but it's fun and worthwhile, even if it's just a minor achievement.

Sarah Palin is a nightmare in every level. Another Fundamentalist Christian with no discernible experience and strong conservative views who is actually completely incapable.

It's odd how McCain was so vocal in his criticism of celebrity until he used it to to rescue his campaign.

Sarah Palin is popular for the same reason that Jade Goody is popular: someone people can identify with. They're ignoring the fact that that the common touch doesn't mean you can trust someone like that govern, just like the common touch doesn't mean you can trust them to not be racist.

Goody came crashing down, and the same will probably happen to Palin; I just pray that it's before the election.

The poor policies of abstinence, drilling, gun toting and book banning give me little hope for the future of America.

McCain and Palin reflect the same values and policies as the Bush administration, and you really have to be stretching yourself if you can actively say you want four more years of that.

A new wombination: Palin and McCain- Pain.

Matt Damon surprised me with his insight into the dangers of Palin in the White House, and said how the whole scenario is like a bad Disney movie. I liked the idea of that, and I thought I'd make a poster of it, since I've had some experience with movie posters as of late. I put it on Digg, and at time of writing, it was on six diggs. Dan said it could get over a thousand, but it has to get noticed first, so digg it if you can.

I made it using Flickr, images.google.com, 3DS Max Design 2009 and of course, Photoshop CS3.

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