Thursday 1 January 2009

The Year in Review

While most of the world is already well into their first day of this new year, I'm barely 2 hours through 2009. Here in Hawai'i we are among the last to ring in the year, but we did so in style and grace. And while I used the 2007 review to remind myself of what I accomplished and what happened then, I am sure I will use this one in the future, and I'm only slightly dismayed I waited until the year had passed to actually commence writing it.

The Worst of 2008
in no particular order

Losing Family

I tended to be pretty lucky with elderly relatives until this year. I lost two grandfathers and an aunt in a matter of months. Today, January 1st, is the first birthday my aunt Anne is missing. I feel terribly for her, and for my father, who has lost so much of his family in too short a time.

The Pound Losing its Strength

The financial crisis has hit many people in many ways. For me, it's made America expensive, which shouldn't be the case at all. It also stopped me from getting a perfect job. Rumours are the dollar will plummet shortly into January. I'll be changing money immediately.

Apple iPhone 3G

Come on.

Losing Cocoa as a Friend

Circumstance on both sides pushed us apart, and while we saw each other every so often, it wasn't as good as it was. But it's part of life. People grow together and apart like breathing.

Not Having Any Way Out

Job market, motivation, commitments, debts... I needed a way out of a rut in 2008, and too many things were keeping me in it.

Not Blogging as Much

Look at the archives. I mean, that's just lazy.

The Best of 2008
in no particular order

Making Life Changing Friends

I say, 'no particular order', but this -and related content- was clearly the highlight of my year. Friends like Lisa and Rachel, who affected me very profoundly and made me feel really great about being me. On top of them, I rediscovered so many friends, and saw them more and realised how great they were.

Portal Prelude and TFV Map Pack

Portal was expanded, for free, twice, making the fantastic game even more so.

Falling in Love

Finding a girl who is so suited to me, despite being the ultimate long distance relationship, made me feel thoroughly loved, and I love her. Alyssa and I are inseparable, and it's comforting to think of her at any point, always supporting me and always being there. It's a real blessing to know that kind of devotion, and to be able to return it. Long distance relationships are hard, but I knew that going in, and we've done well.


I've wanted to buy myself a decent digital camera for a while. I've never owned a point-and-shoot because I've feared putting money into something that doesn't expand and could have limits. I've wanted a digital SLR, and finally, in February, I got one as a late Christmas present. Since then, I've taught myself as much as I could, and I don't feel like I've done too badly. I've been paid very well for some of my work and I have some high quality equipment. It's a joy I share with several friends, especially Alyssa.

South Africa in Winter, Winter in Hawai'i

I've had a couple of thrilling holidays this year. A few weeks in Africa with my father, more weeks in Hawai'i with Alyssa. A feature of both was that during the holidays I ate well and gained weight, but it's a passable pay-off for fond memories.

Getting Cocoa Back

Despite losing touch, recent activities meant that we became good friends again, and after a little while, it seemed like nothing had happened.

Having a Plan

I think I know what I'm going to do now.


Anonymous said...

Ripton, it feels like we haven't spoken in ages. I mostly put this down to you trip to Hawaii, but even before then it has been a long time since we met up (surely it can't have been back in September when I moved to East London, can it?)

We need to meet up soon. Are you back in London yet?

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