Friday 30 September 2005


Last night I spent a long time typing out a post on my phone, only to have it deleted because of a memory problem. I need to get that junk heap traded in. It was about 3kb too, and that's three thousand thumb presses.

Today, I haven't eaten anything. Well, almost. I woke up, met Qian and helped her register, attempted to drive Tsuka-chan to the airport (but was horribly hindered by traffic), had some chocolate milk at home and a small toffee crisp at Natasha's house. The group, which is me, Natasha, Dan, Helgi, Kelly and Vishal, hung out there until we went to sing karaoke at Southland's bar. It was not the same as Japanese Karaoke, as it the sound was awful, the song list was terrible, and the pitch was just horrible enough to strain my voice.

Anyhow, that was my day. I've started lectures. Two lectures on Tuesday are so horrible and boring that I only pray that at least the first one gets better. I woke up fifteen minutes after the start, so that was a wonderful beginning to this year. I managed to run in all the same, so it was ok. Software Engineering is dull and seems to be all theory. After that, Project Management is as awful as it sounds.

Today wasn't as bad. I just had Graphics, which is a lecture on theory, and then an hour playing with Photoshop. And I used the time designing a poster for the JCS. The meeting went ahead yesterday, but I was at a Junior Senior concert with Tsuka-chan, which was brilliant. There was an irritating man in a thick knit sweater who was intent on bumping me all the time while he became more over excited by the prospect of seeing Junior Senior again. The opening act, called The Objects, were actually brilliant. It restored faith in drum machines and Korg synthesizers. I think they could easily make it big.

The concert time was spent with Tsuka-chan and Akiko, and we thought of nicknames for each other. Aki-chan, Tsuka-chan, and Dame-cha (being me [being a reference to Shikoku dialect and the fact that my name sounds like tea]). I really enjoyed going to a concert with them. It was quite memorable. I hope Tsuka-chan returns soon (we're thinking February).

I spent far too long writing this. I have left out so many details of my life, I feel terrible. But I need to sleep.

I'm enjoying the insanely cool stylings of Pizzicato Five. Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

3 hours till fights.

I'll let you know how it goes even though you don't read your comments. >:O

Lol. ;)

Ripton said...

Of course I do. Good luck. What?

Anonymous said...

I know. Just getting your goat. :p

Something is weird with this place. Things disappear and it even says 0 comments on this post so I thought it got deleted again. :/

*On the way out the door* Be back later :)