Tuesday 2 May 2006

I Found a Workaround

Right, I'm republishing my blog.

It's been dead for months. I regretted that, and have complained to my hosting company on numerous occasions to no avail. I remember times when I would fill my loyal readership in on every detail that my life went though, but... I have a server upload limit.

So here it is: my first real post since January, and it feels wrong to update so late. I have had a mixed time, and I personally don't feel like sharing all of my feelings publicly. I made a private diary of how I felt, and that stays private. I have spoken to so many people in the past months that have told me that they have missed reading my blog. Well, I can count two, and that's enough to make me want to say hello to a few people who have checked everyday to see if I've updated, and who I haven't seen for a while.

Yukina: I remember how this blog used to make it so when we spoke in real life, I didn't have anything new to say to you. I'm sorry I missed talking to you the other day, we keep making arrangements, and one day we'll follow through.

Carlos: You seemed to miss my updates too, and since I haven't seen you in a while, maybe it'd be easier to communicate this way. Miss you man.

Julia: You say you check everyday, which I doubt, but it made me laugh anyway. Come back to London, girl, it's not the same.

Jenny: I'm glad I spoke to you of recent, and I noticed you invited me to your hi5, which I may sign up to. Speak to you soon.

Emma: What am I talking about? You never bloody check this and I see you everyday.

Yayoi: I don't know if you do still read this, but if you do, drop me an email. it'd be good to hear from you. I lost your email when you went to Aus.

CM and Hap: Neither of you are important enough to warrant your own section, and I thinkof you as a singular entity anyway.

And I have a faithful posse who don't check as much because they see me all the time anyway, so I don't need to shout to them, but I will say hi to Dan, who has been an excellent friend to me, and I know is always there, because he rules as a person.


It's been months, and I probably could have figured out this workaround had I thought about it, but I didn't. I wasn't very motivated to change it, I didn't feel that I ought to, I just left it at the "Thank God finally" post, which was ironic. I was stuck in internet limbo, and internet homeless, I didn't have a key to my own front door of my homepage, and it sucked. IXWebHosting still hasn't resolved its Blogger issues, and for that I curse them.

It was my birthday. I got a new kite, which was very cool. I have been lfying my dad's old parafoil, but this new parafoil, it just has a bit more pull. I almost went across the whole of Richmond park in very little wind. It's a good thing. I also have a new watch, and if I read it now, the time is: 0011 000011, which is binary for 3:03. Not bad. I thank Becky for that wonderfully geeky idea.

Anyway, as it's 3:03 and I have a Database Management Systems lecture in the morning, I leave you there.

Hope you enjoy the update. It's unlikely I'll do them as frequently as I used to, but keep your e-eyes open.


Anonymous said...

Fuckin... half a section... sweet!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.