Tuesday 22 August 2006

Hey Hey Hey

Mizuki's back!

The house is returning to its term time state of affairs. In two weeks Kiana comes back, and the house will be alive and bustling like it is during the term time.

What else is back? Prison Break. I surprised Emma with an episode from the new season, and she was happy enough. It is good to start getting back into the Serial television phase. We had it with Lost and we miss Lost. And now we have a minor place filler for the mean time. Which is a pretty good show. And omigod they're pulling some nasty stunts for a beginning of season.

Anyway, I might have to go up to Norwich on Thursday or Friday. It's a 3 hour drive, but it'll be worth it once I get there.

I have now watched Frasier from Season 1 to 3, and have begun to watch Season 5. The quality television I have been watching has risen. I have also been filling my 42" screen with more Original Star Trek then I have ever seen before. I'm noticing more precursors to TNG than I anticipated, and it's a better series than I remember. And I'm getting more Futurama jokes.

I drove Mandi to my old school today.

I'm not going to tell you why.

Anyway, it's far too late, and I'm needing to play some CS on German servers. Speaking of all things geeky, I got rated +5 interesting on a Slashdot comment I made. Here is the link to the article, but you'll have to find my comment yourself. But it's really cool, isn't it? Only if you know what it is and you don't think I've made a typo if I go /..

Anyway, this is now appearing on my Facebook, and this is the first entry where it should auto-update. Hugs to you all.


Chappy said...

Oh yeah, I have to watch Lost too, what was the other one you also recommended me to watch?

Ripton said...

Lost and 24 are my favourite shows, and also CSI. Plus Prison Break, but your probably guessed it.

But definitely Lost. Lots of it.


No, she works there, and the busses weren't running.