Tuesday 29 August 2006


I got to chat to Ritti last night. That was fun. I told her some news, we chatted about what was up, who she'd spoken to, how people were, it was all good, and she asked me if I was happy.

"How loosely woven is the fabric of our happiness. A tug or two and it unravels to reveal how empty our everyday lives really are. ... Simple beast! He has peered beneath the masks of happiness we all wear, and seen what lurks below, infected by our sorrow, his once care free [canine] world has been shattered, forever."

That quote, prosaicly beautiful, wouldn't look vastly amiss in classical literature. Poe or something. Alas, as documented in the remainder of the play, the speaker is flawed, as he learns merely minutes later that what he has just said is as fragile as the happiness he seemingly destroyed. He goes on to say:

"Even the happiest of us can find reasons to be unhappy if only we look for them. So don't look for them. Take a tip from our dog friends, and treat yourself to your favourite toy; whatever that might be. ... This is Dr Frasier Crane, reminding everyone that life is too short to dwell on every bump in the road."

I say that because that particular episode of Frasier was poignant, and I enjoyed it a lot. It involved the characters trying to find every depressing thing about their lives, and it didn't achieve anything, and convinced that they had no reasons to be happy, they found their fortunes changed at the mercy of biscuits.

So I replied to Ritti that life was really swell. Not just at the acquiring of new material possessions, but because I'd spent a lot of time with Emma and Housei, and we'd done a lot of fun things, like race Mario Kart together, and complete Mario Bros 3, and sit there making translation puzzles for each other. I realised that being around them made me laugh so much. Emma gets me like no-one outside my family. Housei is just a really fun guy, and they obviously care for each other.

I picked Becky up from Reading today. She was too tired to get her rats, but I hope she plans on getting them tomorrow. They aren't hyper-pleasant smelling. Mandi came over and saw them. And I saw her rats too, they seem very cute. And slightly smaller than Becky's.

I leave you with that minimal news. And this picture I made. It's geeky, but keep up with the news.


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