Friday 1 September 2006

New Company

The past couple of days/nights, I have been seeing Dan and we've been hanging around with one of his friends, who, despite my expectations, turned out to be very enjoyable company and we had intelligent conversation. She was quite knowledgeable about film, and we chatted about some of the good films we knew.

So I'm quite happy about that, I have made some new friends. Plus, I'm spotting all the new students and making friends with the ones that seem lost or need help with luggage, which should be a good way to know more people next year. It's a shame it always happens when my hair is curly.

I managed to call Kiana finally, and I found out when she's back. It's only a week away, but it was later than I expected.

Not much to say, except Emma got hair extensions, and they look pretty convincing.

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