Saturday 23 September 2006


We did the Fresher Fair yesterday. I put the poster and last year's poster on my Flickr account. Interesting people, some geeks (in a good way) some far too cool to join (in a bad way). But I'm expecting an interesting year in it with new management strategies.

I left early to go to Thorpe Park, which was fun. I couldn't afford to spend £4 on a poncho, so I was soaked. It was the worst weather I'd seen in months. I think in a year (9th September 2005 flooding). But being with Sharan, I got to jump all the cues. This was her birthday party, and she works there, so we got in free and had a fantastic time. I rode Colossus twice, going upside-down 20 times in total. Which was great because I hadn't been upside-down all week.

Before going in, I had a little time to kill and in the rain and ample space of the car park, I did my first drift. It was fun. I was low on petrol and didn't have a spare tyre, so I was more cautious than usual.

I gave Becky's friend Helen a lift home, initially not thinking Woking was so far away. But it was. But driving with Becky back from Woking at 2AM had an advantage: empty, long roads. Which let me do something I have never done before: 120mph. Now I know that it isn't much to never sports cars that easily do 150mph, but on a student budget, it's a hell of a speed. And my car did it well I could push more out of it, but the long straights seemed a lot shorter without the Peugeot (I managed about 93mph on the same road in my 106).

So, 120 and drifting in the same day. I think I will rest my car today.

That's about it.

For those that found the secret blog, well done.


Anonymous said...

I didn't find it :(

Ripton said...

When looking at my blog, press Ctrl + A.

That's only a clue.