Wednesday 13 September 2006

Post Editorial

That last post was quite something. And it was quite specialised. It was something that I feel I could have submitted to a Facebook newsletter or something. And at around 1360 words, was an epic undertaking to read if you aren't a member of Facebook. So if that was the case, I apologise, and I hope you become a member soon.

Anyway, since then, there has been more waiting for University to start.

The house made a trip to a wholesaler, where we found that the prices aren't that much below Tescos, and that getting to Acton shouldn't be taken lightly. We hit 20 minutes of solid traffic, which we only cut short by making a quick dash the wrong way down a dual carriage-way, which cut hours from our journey.

I also asked out that girl in Wimbledon who was very beautiful. She has a boyfriend (which I suspected), but asked me to go with them for drinks after work some time, which was a good result.

The ZSneXBox SNES Emulator that we have been glued to for weeks has a cheat function: you press the right analogue stick on the controller, you jump back in time about 15 seconds, to whatever you were doing then. It saves a lot of problems, especially in games like Mario (it wouldn't work so well in a chess simulator). We completed Mario Bros. 3 easily using it, and felt guilty for doing so. We have been playing it since without the use of cheats, and it has been far more painstaking. But a lot more rewarding. We didn't even use the Warp Whistles. There have been days where we've spent four straight hours on one world, and it has been great for me and Emma doing just that. Today was close to solid gaming (Point Blank 3 broke the Nintendo monopoly).

I'm about to embark on a CounterStrike game, so that'll tally up some, but it's online, so real friends don't usually participate. I found an excellent server. It's fast and full of pretty good players, but not too good so that I can't do anything.

Facebook is opening up it's gates to regional members soon, that's going to make it weird. The JCS is also planning its stuff for Fresher week.

Anyway, I'm out of here for now. Sorry for no updates.

Call me!


Wanderer D said...

Ripton... you NEEDED to use the cheat mode to finish any of the Mario Bros. Games? I hope you don't call yourself a gamer...

Ripton said...

We didn't need to... but it came preinstalled, and sometimes the temptation was too great.

But I have disabled it now. We are no longer cheating, and we're doing ok. Just, slower.