Saturday 16 September 2006



That is my car. And I'm in front of it. And it led me to be absolutely petrified today.

The past couple of nights, I have used my car to relieve tension from stresses that have built up. This basically involves seeing how fast I can take Roehampton Lane before I decide it's unsafe. Since it's residential and has been mutilated by a bus lane, this is around 70mph. That's the same speed I hit on that road when I was driving my friend's Soarer.

Last night it was around 3PM I was doing this. Pretty empty. Tonight was different. When I joined the motorway, I joined with a nice Porsche, and I stayed behind him for a while. Out of solidarity for German car drivers, I don't drive in any way to annoy them, and respect their vehicles and use of the road. This usually applies to everyone, but non-German car drivers lose that respect quicker.

He was driving tamely, he wasn't doing anything daring or fast. When I got to Roehampton Lane, I wanted to see how I fared compared to the previous night. This was only around 11PM. So after the lights changed, and seeing the same Porsche behind me, I drove a little faster than him, and sped down the road. At no point was his speed exceeding mine. We weren't racing. But then I see HIM getting pulled over by the police. Bear in mind, American readers, that the police in this country tend to be rather lenient in comparison to your police when it comes to speed, and rely on machines to do all the catching and fining.

They didn't arrest me, when clearly I was driving faster, and that scared the life out of me. I haven't been arrested before, and I can't afford a ticket. So I was scared lifeless by the thought of it. But, better him than me. By the looks of his car, he can afford it. I don't drive that fast when people are in my car, but I was alone. And the good fuel made my car more responsive.

Tonight we had an IB dinner to discuss how we felt about the IB 3 years on. Certain people were conspicuous in their absence, and I missed some that had even RSVPed but not shown up. I'm way too tired and eager to play CS to recount all the details, but I ended up speaking to a lot of year below friends (I think of them as Lower Sixth formers, but they were in the Upper Sixth far more recently than me). I didn't get to show them my car, but I did show them my sexy hair, which still looks fresh from yesterday.

That, and completing more Lost Levels, that was today.


Chappy said...

Wow, cool, a brand-new car! Why did you choose red, btw?

Anonymous said...

Heh. Going that fast in a residential neighborhood around here would get you fined so fast.

Nice hair though.

Man, no more linking to my blog? *tears of infinite sadness*


Ripton said...

I link you at bottom... and occasionally steal your cartoons. It's just the speed cameras usually, but I do well not to get caught. Touch wood.

Although it's difficult to tell, the car isn't completely brand new. It's actually over 13 years old (my last car was 10 years old), it's just been treated nicely (and I Photoshopped out one dent). But I love the red. My family used to own a red BMW when I was very little.

Anonymous said...

Yeah like 3 weeks ago I played through all the levels of SMB3 and Lost Levels + SMBW for SNES.

Stop copying me. :'(


Anonymous said...

Ah, so you do. Well that's pretty much rad as hell.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I so looked you up on facebook. Crazy. I guess it means you actually exist, and stuff.

Ripton said...

Yes, people, people, add me on teh Facebook. You can see all the crazy stuff I've been doing and all the crazy people I know.

I don't know why but suddenly I had an urge to play Mario, and did.

Ripton said...

Wow, positive reactions to the car. I am happy.

It wasn't very expensive, but I'm glad you're all suitably impressed. If I see you, I'll drive you around for fun.