Wednesday 27 December 2006

Post Christmas Blues and Greens

Most readers will know that I get suicidally depressed on a tri-weekly basis, and now is one of theose times. Not really.

I had the exact Christmas I wanted, full of fun and happiness, and family time over material gain. But my presents were better than Becky's.

I realise now that I omitted pictures from my trip to Ireland, and I would be malicious to deprive you of them. This is the main point at which we located ourselves in Dublin, it's our version of Midosuji, where I located myself in Osaka.

O'Connell Street

This is my cousin Roan and Yunhae on the ferry over there.

On the Ferry

And this is a kitten.

Critical Kitten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was the greatest journey!!!!!