Friday 7 December 2007


No more Macbook. I traded it in for... well, I gave it back. But I gave it back with Office 2004 and Exposé working great. And if I'm telling the honesty, I come away from the experience with a little more sympathy of OSX than I had before.

Still, being back on Vista, Win key + Tab is hours of fun.

I told somebody the other day that they don't know me very well. Not out of anger, just because I surprised them with a fact about me. They asked me to tell them more about me, and it got me listing out a series of facts about myself that I personally find interesting. Now, this is my blog, on my server space, and you're reading this on my webpage, but despite all that, putting a list of reasons why I think I'm great is too self indulgent. Even for me. So you're going to have to discover them the hard way, like everyone else.

But one thing I surprised them with was that I am quite good with Photoshop. Now anyone who has visited my Flickr account recently will have seen my entries to the Crestock Photoshop competition. I thought they were great, but not many others have. But that isn't a big worry to me. What has had my attention is that the Graphics hand in date was today. This marks the third year in a row I have been counted on for helping people out. The first year, it was me. The second, I helped out Qian, and this year, I gave a hand to Cocoa. As well as many other people who asked questions.

But it led me to remember and recount the story of two years ago, how I left my work to the last minute to such a degree that I ended up sleeping in QB046, just for a couple of hours before the cleaner came in. You can do a lot worse than three swivel chairs in a row. I've slept in less comfy hotels. But despite fighting tiredness and changing circumstance, I had everything printed and even laminated in time, and I was given a good mark.

I don't think I mentioned any of that two years ago. I was distracted.

I'm pretty distracted this year as well. At least last year I knew where I was, whereas now I feel like I'm really depressed, except I'm happy. I guess you could call it confusion. I am.

IGN placed The Sting 24 in the top 30 Futurama Episodes. That's not the reason I feel weird, but it's pretty damn strange. I've always put it higher; like, number one. Just in front of Jurassic Bark and Luck of the Fryish. Showing that Futurama was only getting better and better with age.

The past few weeks have thrown me quite a few weird routes, but I don't regret any of them. Well, I regret not getting that job, but other than that, I'm very happy with most of everything. My work at Uni is probably coming to an end. There is an exam next week, so no workshop, and the class goes onto something different outside of the workshop next semester, so I think that's all I'll do for a while.

Some of my opinions are very outspoken and don't win me friends, but I stand by them. Recently, a video on showed somebody going an indicated 219mph on a public highway in America. However this makes you feel, it makes me feel like there are still heroes out there.

Julia came up here a couple of weeks ago, and we had a fun time together. She bought me my first Starbucks in a while, and I'd never been to the Raynes Park one before. She was looking healthy, but events have proven that otherwise, and I hope she feels better soon.

There is no chin under Chuck Norris' Beard. There is only an affront to the US Constitution.

I wasn't planning on being in the country in the new year, or at least not long into it, but it looks like I have more of a position here than I wanted. I won't see the end of 2008 here though. I'm tired and I think I need to go for one of my thinking walks. I do it smiling though.

Improve, J.

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