Friday 28 December 2007

The Year in Review

I haven't done this before, but it's a pretty appropriate time to start. I'm going to go over the best and worst moments of 2007. It's been a strange year, and one I probably won't forget. The number '2007' still seems fresh and ready, but it'll be stale within a few days. The list of events is mostly from the latter half of the year, either because it was more eventful or because I have a terrible memory. And I thought that my memory was great.

The Worst of 2007
in no particular order

Moving Out

Moving out of Toland Square was one of the worst days I've ever had. Not only was it emotionally draining, sleepless and physically exhausting, but tensions grew and almost every conceivable thing went wrong. I loved that house, and I didn't want to leave it so soon, but times move on and people need to as well, so I know it was ultimately for the best.

My Car Overheats

Later that day, dropping Emma at the station, in traffic, I let my car overheat by not watching the temperature gauge. I felt stupid, and it cost a fortune to fix, and for weeks, my car was out of commission. As if the day could have been any worse.

The Apple iPhone

No need to expand.

Emma Leaving, Again

Emma had to go a couple of times in the year, but never for as long as when she went to Tokyo, which was indefinitely. That was very sad.

Not Getting that Job

The job which would have been perfect. Graduate C# Programmer. Come on!


Nova, my ticket to Japan, the company that was ready to employ me in a job I wanted to do... collapsed. The whole company: gone. Thanks. Literally minutes before Emma goes there, they self destruct, and my future there was shattered.

My Computer Suddenly Stops Working

I still don't know why. It was on, I turned it off, it didn't turn on again. And I don't have the energy or motivation to fix it, or the cash.

The Best of 2007
in no particular order

Making a Complete Album

Although I'd written many songs before, Seven Pages was the first one where I'd made it from start to finish with one album in mind, instead of collecting songs together. I rushed it into a month (for the RPM Challenge), but I was really happy with most of it, and I still enjoy listening to it. I have a way to go though.


Portal portal portal portal, portal portal. Portal portal. Portal! Portal portal portal, "Portal portal, portal!". Portal portal; portal portal. Portal portal portal, portal portal portal portal portal. Portal portal portal. Portal? Portal portal portal portal.

Seeing Rent with Kiana

Kiana was my introduction to Rent, and getting to finally see it with her was a big thing. I didn't see many musicals this year. In fact, I think that was the only one. Plus we had cake.

Maintaining Friendship with Julia

Despite the numerous problems she causes, being friends with Julia is always special because you can tell that she really cares, and she's very genuine. I saw her earlier this week and we had a great time, and it's been good staying friends with her this year.

The MG

My mother bought a convertible. I learned how different a mid-engine car can be. My father and I took it to Spain through France, driving is fun again.


Discovering this strange electronic musician by accident was a major highlight, as he soon became one of my favourite artists. And he gives away music for free. As well as this, he has been very inspiring.

A Completely Dry Year

A year completely without alcohol. 2006 had some lapses in the Summer, which I regret, but was consciously aware of the reasons for which I lapsed, and both times had silly reasons.

The Host

While it may not have been the best film of the year, it was a very important one for me. It took me by surprise, and made me interested in foreign cinema again. Plus, it has one of the most bittersweet endings imaginable.

Starting the JCS Again

Being the last person here with any ability to perpetuate it, I made the JCS continue by opting to become the President. And meeting new people through it meant that I made new friends and had good fun with people while pushing the culture. It will continue into next year.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Getting back into Anime was never more fun.

Finishing University

After a 3 day marathon coding session which concluded with a presentation and a dangerously sleepy drive home, University was over. Finishing that was a major relief. I slept for days.


Going to Canada suddenly and almost unexpectedly was a huge treat, getting to see my family and surprising my sister and mother was enormous fun. I got to drive around and have a great time with everybody. I loved it, and I just want to go back.

Getting Over Kiana

It took nearly two years and writing a very sad song, but I finally did it and have felt liberated since.

Filming The Oxford Murders

I loved being an extra in 2003, and I got to do it again. I just saw the trailer for the film, and you can see part of me sitting near Elijah in it. I can't wait for the actual film.


Suddenly having reason and the ability to write music again came as a shock, but it wasn't a nasty surprise. In a few weeks, I wrote about six songs. Not all new, but within a few months I should have recorded my third album.

Getting Back into Gaming

Right at the start of the year, with nothing to do, I started playing XBox games a lot. Since then, I have played more and more games, and went as far as buying a PSP, which I love. I played through MGS just for the fun of it, because I loved it so much when I was young. Games are now a big part of my life. Again.


Not just her as a person, but everything she has done for me in terms of jump-starting my social life, and being a very good person to be near. She's one of the most open and honest people I know, and has 'let me in' to a world that I have wanted to be a part of for many years, but could never get close to. Being friends with her has definitely been a highlight of this year.

Having a Reason to Want to Improve

Self improvement is much harder without having a reason to improve, and having one means that making myself a better person goes beyond its own reward. Because of that, I am a happier person.

And for that, I thank 2007.

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