Wednesday 29 June 2005

It's 3:30AM

Well, this confirms it, the habits are pretty set in my mindset. But there's so much cool stuff on the internet, I just don't want to sleep. And I love this new Alkaline Trio album. Anyway, the real reason I'm awake at this ungodly hour is:

Google Earth

This is possibly one of the most innovative ideas that the online world has nurtured since peer to peer networking. Allow me to outline: basically, it's Google Maps, but surfaced over a 3D virtual earth. It's a program, but it's only a 10MB download, and all the details of the earth are streamed as you view them, which admittedly, takes time, even over a 2Mbit connection. But once you're viewing it from above, it gives you the incredible option to tilt from 90° to something like 5° or maybe 1°, I don't know, but it pretty much simulates flying at low angles. I zoomed into my house, and then into space in something like 5 seconds. It's breathtakingly beautiful. What's more is that they've mapped out the surface altitudes, so the mountains and hills actually take physical form when you view them from the sides. They are also in the process of mapping out cityscapes, allowing you to view cities realistically as a plane flying through.

Now, I'm not trying to sell it to you. It's free anyway, but I was genuinely amazed by this. It's stunning, and as they improve the satellite photo quality, it can only get better. If you have a computer good enough to handle the modeling and stuff, go for it immediately. It'll hit you with a big swap file though, so have some drive space. Google are selling Google Earth Servers with the terrabytes of satellite photos already there to allow standalone networks access to it.

Anyway, other than telling you about products...

I saw Jenny and Yukina again last night. It had been a while, and it was good to see them once more. Jenny has decided she will be going away next year, so I won't be seeing her as much, and Yukina's returning home in a couple of months, so I won't be seeing them much after my trip, so I'll see them while I can. Jenny got some photos of me in "girly poses", which she insists she will be posting. I might have to run approval first. I think I scared them with my outlandishly clashing colour choice, courtesy of my new wardrobe.

Anyway, before the sun rises, I'll leave you with that Google plug, and that update. Apart from a dentist appointment, and seven episodes of 24, nothing much happened today. So I'll say something important tomorrow. I'll probably see a film.

Monday 27 June 2005

Old Habits Returning

I woke today at 1:30PM. I think my old, long forgotten habits of sleeping all day are slowly returning. I must prevent this. I guess it is my fault for reading until 3AM last night. But still, I must not.

Becky came home from an almost week long Biology trip to Wales. It was good to see her again, and she said it wasn't as bad as she said it was going to be. But we pretty much immediately watched the end of 24 Season 2, which had a great conclusion. We're going to start Season 3 today, which I think is great.

In the Manga I'm reading, Bleach, I have just reached chapter 50, but as I do, they get a new translator and a new scanner. The files are more aliased, and translation spells words differently (from 'Shinigami' to 'Shinegami'), and they keep putting shadow effects in the text, which are really obsolete, because the previous scans were perfect, and didn't need any stupid visual effects to make the words more dramatic. I hope they get better or change back, I'm not enjoying it as much. Bah, I'll have to read the original soon.

I had a weird dream last night, that involved taking Kaori to Kent to see Emma, despite it not being where Emma lives in reality. And about 20 minutes into the trip, we realise we should be taking Mizuki as well. So I turn around (haphazardly, by just going over the central reservation). All this occurs, not in a car, like I would expect, but on a scooter (which greatly facilitates the hopping of the barrier on the A30whatever). Now I don't have a scooter, but in this dream I was given one, and it was pretty much new. And it was blue, like my actual car. My actual car being what Kaori and I find Emma sitting in at a rest stop on the way to get Mizuki. Now, I know that dreams generally defy physics and reality, but it seemed so normal to find her there, doors open, on the way back from a place where she doesn't live anyway. And my driving was scarily terrible. I think for part of the returning trip I didn't notice the lanes splitting, and I actually rode along the barrier between them for a good distance.

I think that dream stems from seeing my dad's old scooter and wondering about riding it yesterday. The power of the mind. I'd forgotten about it, but my subconscious hadn't.

Anyway, I'm going to go and shower, then put on the new clothes that I bought yesterday. This marks the end of the perpetual black that I used to wear, and makes it only intermittent black. Colour abound, so be prepared.

Sunday 26 June 2005

Back to Typing

Well, that last post was kind of experimental. I used MMS to send it to an email, etc, and that's how it worked. It scratches the surface of what I think of nationalism, but it hurt my thumbs.

Google Maps have added satellite photos of loads more locations, but not actual road maps, so without knowing the exact location of what you are looking for, finding things in Paris and Iraq is very difficult. But good old Slashdot, it keeps me alert of the news. It's Sunday, early afternoon, meaning my attempts to be awake at ten were quashed by my weak will. But I will go shopping for some new clothes soon.

I watched Sin City again last night. Thank God, because that film is outstandingly good. I am going to download it, and buy it on DVD. That's something I don't do with many films. The last one I downloaded and bought? Finding Nemo. But this is better. I arrived a little late to have sushi and then watch the film, so I think I was the first person in a while to sit through the trailers, with chopsticks, dipping salmon rolls into wasabi and soy. I was done before the film started, and it was filling, and tasty. But that film, man, it still blows me away. I want to see the graphic novel, just to see if they used it as a perfect storyboard. When I remember watching the film, it's like it's a graphic novel, it feels static, and almost read.

Anyway, this is a brief post. I need some breakfast, and someone's cooking something that smells like egg downstairs. I'll be there.

Saturday 25 June 2005

Mobile: Sport Based Nationalism

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This is a test, just to see how mobile posting goes. I'm in my living room, on my phone, sending this message to my new blog. Wimbledon, my home town and the centre of the world's biggest Tennis Tournament, is on television.

What I cannot understand, is all the fuss over national pride. Everyone is cheering for Andy Murray. Because he's British. And if he wins, then what? Why will people be happy? It doesn't prove anything about them, and proves very little about their nationality, and all the faith put in British sport stars is misplaced. It leads to disappointment and everyone is always surprised. Well, it's just a game. But even outside games I hardly think that national pride is worth anything. It leads to nationalism and eliteism. Countries are controlled by governments, and I don't think it coincidence that members of those states follow so eagerly in the decisions that the governments make. Ultimately, national pride is a form of selfishness. It's just baseless pride, but still people cry and cheer depending entirely on how one guy is hitting a ball.

I'm just not a huge fan of sport spectating. Playing sport is great, especially solo games. I love playing Tennis but my favourite is and always has been Squash. Well, for the past six years or so. I need to play more.

I am going to try and contact friends to go and see Sin City, because it's worth seeing a few times before I download it. If I download it. I'm running out of hard drive space rapidly. I've deleted half downloaded movies and almost completed ISOs in favour of seeing Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy again. I'll leave this message there. It's painful on the thumbs. I might do this more, but we'll see how it looks.

And Murray JUST lost.

The New Location

Well, if you're reading this, then you have followed your way to the new site. I have different hosting, which isn't better than my previous one, it's just larger (unlimited), and it comes with free domains, so I now have, which is easier to remember, and pretty cool. Some politically minded yet infrequent poster took But if it frees up, I'll grab it. Anyway, welcome to the new site. Hopefully the archive links will work now.

It's been a couple of days since I updated, and I realise that it's less than usual, but that's mainly because: nothing's happening. It's too hot for activity, and computer activity has mainly been downloading torrents (which include some awesome new albums), and chatting to friends. I managed to do some stuff, but it's uninteresting. I picked up my passport from the Merton Council yesterday, and that was the extent of my activities. Today was, luckily, slightly different. I went out with Emma to an Italian restaurant, as tomorrow morning she leaves for Wales for 10 days. It's only 10 days, but still, she's an important enough part of my life to make an impact. But on her return, we will move into the new house. Which I want to do soon, because it's a house, and living in it makes the most of it.

We spent the rest of the evening after the meal watching wacky Japanese television. Very wacky. But just after eleven, I decided I needed to approach bed, and as I drove home, I neared a complete roadblock. Seeing a fire engine, I assumed a fire, but on bypassing it in a smaller road, I saw a silver Ford Ka: upside down. With a blonde woman inside, alive. It was a very frightening image, but I was comforted by seeing her move. It had only happened recently as they were still setting up releasing her, and still lying on the ground talking to her. She was in the driver's seat, and the other side of the car seemed pretty crushed. Any passenger would have been pretty mauled. Oddly, there was an unrelated crash that had just happened (I believe unrelated) a few hundred metres up the road where someone just crashed into a post. Not a good time to be driving on Danebury Avenue.

Anyway, with the subliminal horror-of-crashing images aside, I have had at last a relaxing few days. I helped Jenny move to Whitelands earlier, and hopefully I can take her and Yukina on a driving lesson tomorrow, which would be a bad idea if I pay attention to the highly graphic omens portrayed to me earlier, but I have no belief in that, so I'll be fine.

I'm coming to the closing tracks of X&Y, the new Coldplay album, courtesy of I would not have bought it, and if I find I like it enough, I will buy it. But I'm enjoying it free, as I feel, as a long term ripped off customer, I should be. I'll be updating the design in the next few weeks, but for now I like it as is. I'm coordinating with all my forum presence and messenger services, so it'll wait until I can make it all unify. I wish more people would use Skype. Anyway, for now, I'll be heading bedward, and making an attempt at sleep. I have early morning shopping. Goodnight.

Thursday 23 June 2005

Smile Like You Mean It

Well, this is the first time I have listened to The Killers' album properly, and it's good so far. I know it's been a few days since my update, and a lot has happened, meaning that not only do I have too much to write, but I have no time to write it in. It's kind of a painful circuit, if you know what I mean.

Taking Carlos to the airport was an official end of an era, and though dealing with it, I was sad about it. I spoke to him today, it's almost as if he hasn't left, but still. Next year is another year, and we'll meet new people, and we'll make new friends, and we'll have new groups. But I will still mourn for missing friends, and the days that I will miss. I listened to my official coming home from Heathrowe album, The Colour and the Shape, and despite what it says in my previous entry, it was not followed by picnic or Nabe. Emma and Mizuki and Kaori and I did go to Tesco's and we did have a good day in Froebel field, where we still ran, and we kicked the same ball that I had kicked with Carlos and Yukina and Jenny a couple of nights previously. We had mini pizzas and drinks while we talked and raced, and that field, out of nowhere, is now a location of memories. After we realised we didn't have a good volleyball or a frisbee, we made another trip to Tesco's, which meant we bought a frisbee and a badminton/volleyball set for very little.

Despite getting to sleep at midnight that evening, I slept until 11:45AM the next day, meaning I missed my appointment to meet Kaori, Emma and Mizuki at 11AM, and met them at 1PM instead, where Katou was waiting, and where Yoko appeared shortly after. At that point, the 70 sit-ups that I did with Jenny nights previously caused me excrutiating pain, which is a shame, because it meant I couldn't do the "crab" (or at least that is my excuse). We played volleyball and badminton by the lake, as well as frisbee, and had a perfect picnic with fried chicken and tuna salad. After this, another sixty courses of Nabe. It seems there is a neverending supply of it when it's cooked, and some people can eat a lot more than me. I found that, driving my car onto Froebel sports field, high-beam-headlights and doors-open/loud-stereo makes a partymobile even in the dark. Following a short lived game, Kaori, Emma, Katou and I sat in the field where I star gazed at Sirius and considered light traveling from wherever the star was, however far away that was. We played language games, and then we toured the University with a novel game of "It", that involved deception, double-crossing and screaming, and then home.

Today, aside from giving my father a lift to Heathrowe for his trip to Holland, and listening to a different album on the way back (Electric, disc 2), and purchasing a guitar case from eBay (which just about fits), I had a relaxing day with Dan, where we looked at his place, watched Mr and Mrs Smith (which I was pleasantly surprised with, while he hated it), and went stationary shopping, where I finally got some DVD+RWs, so I can start emptying my HDD. He bought a desk, and from there I went home, and decided to write a blog entry.

That's a summary. I realise it's short on my insight and personal feelings and is more of a log of what has happened, the more in depth entries will resume when it isn't too hot to think. But you know, I'm going to get something off my chest right now:

I'd like to thank every single one of my friends, every person who has had a positive influence on me since I started University, because as of mid/late June, this has been so far the best year of my life. My smiles have been genuine, I have had real reason to be happy, and I'm very glad of all of you. Thank you. By September, I'm sure the year will have improved, but as of now, I am happy enough with it to class it as my happiest.

This album is getting a little samey, and not as impressive as the beginning, but I still like it. I will listen to Demon Days soon, comprising the two albums I downloaded today. Hooray for resumed illegal files, I am happy with P2P once more.

Monday 20 June 2005

Still Too Hot

No matter what the reports say, it isn't cooler. Maybe they said it was hotter. I don't know. It still feels like a permanent veil of sweat.

After yesterday's entry I proceeded to the Nabe party, lovingly cooked by Yukina with input from Shun and others, which was delicious. I had forgotten how good Nabe was. I'm having it again tomorrow, which should be fun, but it's with Emma and Mizuki and Kaori, and I think it'll be more early evening. This is after a picnic, which will come after Tesco's, which we will go to after I drop Carlos off at Heathrowe. He's returning to Mexico, and that's going to be sad for all, as he's an awesome guy, and we'll all miss him. But he's coming back, and that's good, which lessens the sadness of saying goodbye to everyone else.

I have found the difficulty of this blog is that knowing the intended audience means I attempt to be tactful with words as so not to make people uncomfortable or upset in any way. However, this can be limiting, as it means I am less open than with a diary, and therefore can be cryptic and limited. To combat this, I am going to try and be a little more open and free about my feelings, but as long as the readers can take this as more of a flow of consciousness, and not be upset or feel guilty or have any negative feelings in any way.

After the Nabe last night, and after a brief stint dancing with Yukina, Shun and Erin went home, leaving me, Jenny, Yukina and Carlos to whittle away the evening into the early hours. We spent most of it running around the Froebel field, either racing, punching or wrestling each other, with spells of reaction games and sit ups. It ended around 5AM, when I managed to get to bed. That was the latest I had been to bed in a while, so it wasn't good. But it was so much fun, and we proved that three-against-one, we could all take down Carlos if we needed to.

Today I spent sweltering in my room, reading Manga and watching Tsubasa Chronicle, which has such a stunning first scene that I had to watch it a few times. I then met up with Emma and Mizuki for some take away (I discovered chicken Chop Suey, which was not what I expected, but really good all the same). We chatted for a while, and I am still at the conclusion that I will love her forever, unless she changes unexpectedly as we discussed today, or I change unexpectedly enough to not find her interesting. We also discussed my reference to her as a crossword. After this I hobbled around to Yukina's flat to listen to her flatmate Ihab talk about his family and his country. People kept asking me if I was tired or if I was ok, but it wasn't that, it was just I had absolutely no interest in his family. He has a lovely family and a wonderful culture surrounding his family, but I have no interest in it. I just couldn't take my mind off other things ("other things" ref. paragraph 3), and I felt emotional about them. The new Foo Fighters' album is very solid, and is very emotional. I am enjoying it (disc one so far) more than I expected. It really is shaping how I channel my feelings right now, which is usually through speed on the roads and music to accompany it. It's just a short phase I will grow out if. But I am glad I have the confidence to speed near police cars now. Thank God this is not America where that would warrant an immediate siren blip and flashing lights.

I have to sleep now, that is important. I need to be up at 7:30AM tomorrow, so, you know. I just wanted to say that last night, the running in the field, was a perfect night, and one I will honestly remember for a very long time. It was the last time in I-don't-know-how-long that the four of us will be together, and I will miss that a lot.

Friday 17 June 2005

Welcome to Mt Clare

Ah, it's a perfectly cool summer day, the sun shining gently and a cool breeze is making it feel like a sky of happy faces is smiling down upon us.

Actually, I'm lying. God has turned on the microwave and accidently set it to 'apocalypse'. The trees are perfectly still as all the heat sits on us, with absolutely no breeze taking any heat away from out already overheated and painfully clammy bodies. This is why I hate the summer, I hate the heat, and I hate this entire half of the year, because even in England, there are days where the heat is unbearable and horribly uncomfortable, meaning that I cannot even sit in a dark room alone at a computer as it is too hot, and I am practically forced to go outside, meaning the donning of sunglasses just so my eyes aren't totally closed while driving.

I hate hot. Hate. I put 'hate' in a new sentence because it needed a capital letter and I wanted to remain grammatical.

I am now in Mount Clare, another version of Hell. In fact, I can think of very little worse than being in Mount Clare on a hot day. But to ease my pain, I'm with Mizuki, Kaori and Emma. They're getting up from their computers now, so now I feel I must end my blog horribly prematurely. But let me just let you know that had it not been for those three these past few days would have been intolerable enough for me to not actually leave my house at all. The combination of heat and general dampening of emotions, coupled with the sudden introduction of a £540 loan repayment, means that things hadn't been too peachy for the past few days. But it's been good to spend time with them again.

I haven't seen Jenny or Carlos properly for a few days. Maybe it's because I'm not nocturnal anymore, but I miss seeing them. Days should be longer. I have been getting up at a good hour again, except for today, when I had a lie in until 10AM. Wow, rebel, look at me go.

I haven't had the chance to train so much the past few days. Today has been the first day we didn't see Shouty and Katou (it turns out his name was this, rather than Katto). Shouty flew home yesterday, but we waved him off from Hammersmith tube station. It was really sad to see him go. We'll still see Katou a lot though, and I'm sure we'll keep learning each other's language.
After saying goodbye yesterday, I went shopping with the everyone and Yukina bought all the Nabe food. Green Day is on Sunday, rather than Saturday, so I can go to the Nabe on Saturday, which I hope isn't inconvenient to the amount of food purchased. Sunday is set to be 31°C, and that's 3 degrees worse than today, being only 28°C. Wonderful. Apparently, in a few days it will by muggy. The day after, it will be tuggy. After that, weggy and thurggy. Etc. That's one of my father's oldest jokes.

Today we went to pay the first month of our rent and the deposit, which for me was about £860, but at least I get a lot of that back later. I should be getting my Whitelands damage deposit back in July, which should help me out, at least a little, for my trip.

Speaking of my trip, it's looking like it will be something like eight million degrees or something. Hooray. I'll have to survive. Speaking of surviving, I rediscovered BitTorrents, which are my rediscovered lifeblood. Unblocked ports means that I can download as much illegal stuff as I want. I love it. Tsubasa Chronicle is my first port of call, as well as The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film, though I have the TV show and the radio show available to me as well, which I might go for.

Anyway, it's good to be watching 24 with Becky again. It's so great. Series two is getting exciting again after a very brief lapse after the key event in the middle of the show.

Thursday 16 June 2005


Well, one thing I can say is that Emma has an unwavering ability to make me smile. And vice versa it would seem. Yesterday we all travelled to Westminster as described, but we made jokes about the indecipherability of public announcements on trains, and how they often take the form of, "In the event of an emergency would mmvvvm .. mvvvmvmbr mmm mmmrrrv vrr vrrv brrrvvmmm mmmmbrrvbrr as quickly as possible.". That made us both smile and happy for a good while, so I appreciate her presence.

The pub which we visited was actually quite good. Rather than a cultural exchange, it was mainly just relaxed chats and slightly-too-loud music, but we all made good friends. The two main Japanese guys we met, I didn't quite catch their names, but they know who we're talking about when we say Katto or Shouty. It's what everyone seems to call them. But they were very cool people. We spent the night talking in various languages, and Emma and I managed to dance in the tiny space between sofas, which actually proved to be a good photo opportunity for random people staring at us.

Today we met up with Shouty and Katto again, because Shouty is going home tomorrow, and so we decided to meet and go and look at interesting architecture. When that proved far too expensive (St Paul's Cathedral), we just went to Chinatown for some food, and then to the V&A Museum, which proved more interesting than I imagined. All the time, I struggled to talk with Katto, because his English is about the same level as my Japanese, which meant conversing was possible, but on very limited subjects with a lot of physical descriptive acting. Shouty has good English, including the highly informal but oddly impressively cool, "Let's lunch.". He played me his band's CD, and I was actually impressed, they had a nice sound, and while not totally original, they are something I could easily listen to. They were impressed that I was reading Bleach, but I was surprised that they had not heard of Azumanga Daioh. It seems few Japanese people in practice know it, despite its popularity. We went to Nando's after a Starbucks, and had a meal (where Yuri popped up unexpectedly), before we saw the guys to the station. They are a good bunch, and we'll be meeting tomorrow before Shouty jets off home. We'll probably meet in Tokyo sometime.

Thinking about it, Emma must look like my girlfriend so much when we're together. Especially when dancing, as we're the only ones who dance. Ever. And the way we always sit together, and how she rests on me. I'm fine with it, but I understand anyone getting the wrong impression. Even if people know we're not together, they assume we will be. But I don't see that happening, because we're just not quite couple stuff. Just friends. But I do feel protective of her. I think because she's so small. I like small things, and I feel inclined to protect them. But she's the last thing in the world that really needs protection. She's tougher than the Sunday Times Cryptic.

The title of this post comes from the name of the pub we went to. It wasn't The Horse Inn, or The Old Horse, or even The Horse, it was just Horse. I found it slightly strange. Maybe that's their gimmick.

Tuesday 14 June 2005

Normal Hours

I woke at 8:45 today with no problem. Something is wrong.

I just finished watching Hotaru No Haka (Grave of the Fireflies). Not happy, not happy. It is the first WWII film I have seen from a non-Western perspective, and while I have imagined and pictured suffering on both sides of conflict, it is difficult to watch, especially considering the Allies are the enemy in this film. Despite being animated, it was still highly graphic and powerful. I will probably see it again at some point without subtitles to test my understanding.

I have been trying to contact Dan for a few days now. Each time I manage to get through, he's either busy with Julia or will be. And now it says his number's not in use. I fear that being far from University may make him very distant from now on, especially considering he is cohabiting with non-students now. I'm trying to return his USB stick and see his new place, but I just can't get through. He's not on Skype or MSN either.

I drove Henny-Ray to the station this morning, seeing him off. I didn't get to have sushi with him sadly, but there will be next time. I did get an awe inspiring meal with friends though, and that was a fun evening. All you can eat ribs, and four men competing to have the most. Alan and I bowed out early on, having completed only two racks, but against all expectations, Carlos actually could only manage three, while Shun had four. Technically it was three and a half because he gave some away, but still, he won. I was highly impressed. Carlos blames chicken and cake earlier, but still, he's meant to be able to do things like that. Oh well. Someone had eight complete racks while we were there. He must have been starving.

I'm seeing Emma tonight, we're going to a Westminster pub to observe the Japanese speaking class, and seeing how it is. According to friends, many of these classes are merely perverted old men seeking Japanese wives, but some are decent and good places to learn. I felt accomplished with what I could understand of the movie today, and hopefully it won't be too difficult when I watch again. But watching AI in Japanese recently showed me that I could watch the film with dialogue from memory, but not actually understand the language.

Speaking of films, I saw Sin City. That is an incredible film. It's not quite for the faint at heart, it's more of a hyperviolent pulp fest, but I felt it was a brilliant movie all the same. I want to read the graphic novel now. But I think everyone does after seeing something as mind blowing as that.

Anyway, I have to work at this cuttings service now. Curse this, it's all OCR rubbish. Damned text recognition.


This is my second entry today. Wow, look at me go.

I just wanted to write what I thought about arriving home today. The Beatles were on the radio, and I wanted to hear to the end of the song, so after I parked, I shut down the engine, put my seat back and gazed through the window towards the night sky. I then rolled down the window, and looked at this particularly bright star. It could have been Sirius, I'm not sure. Anyway, once my window was fully rolled down, I realised there was no actual barrier between myself and this star. This struck me as strange, not because there wasn't a barrier, but as it felt different to have no barrier between myself and an interstellar object.

There was a direct line between myself and this star, with nothing in the way apart from an atmosphere of air and perhaps some space debris. Why was that weird?

I think this feeling comes from a modern society's need for encapsulation. I say modern, as this kind of direct line of sight was more and more common as we look back through the ages. Nowadays, it is rare enough to make me think twice. However, barriers, physical barriers, like windows and walls and roofs are so necessary that now I find we feel we are unprotected without them. Society requires security based protection from anything slightly remote, such as a harmless star. The fear of the unknown, the fear of the known yet unfamiliar, it requires the safety of one pane of glass to comfort us, to re-encapsulate and to perhaps place us back within protective arms.

At which point do we feel comfortable enough to stand without any barriers? It is possible, as it has been done by ancestors, but we are so shielded through life that even the lowering of a window to look at stars changes the way we feel.

Anyway, I just came back from a rib joint, but I'll go into that tomorrow. I just wanted to say that.

Monday 13 June 2005

Life Improvement

While I didn't realise it at the time, the past month or two has been subconsciously focused on self improvement. This has taken the forms of several programmes, mainly the purging of vices that have plagued me during my first year at University. Some are life long problems. The most basic improvement is my posture. Have have always slouched in some way, and I have started to notice this in photographs, so I have been training myself away from this by altering the way I walk. My new posture of choice is Morpheus-meets-the-Merovingian arms behind the back style, keeping my back straight. Other ways are things like changing the things I eat, more learnéd reading, physical discipline through the adoption of a martial art... stuff like that.

So while I busy myself with these pursuits, I find they distract me from ill feelings, and help channel any frustration I may have. But they do not detract attention from any good feelings, so these pursuits are wholly positive.

I could consider this blog an improvement, but that remains to be seen. If I can keep it up, then yes, I will consider it an improvement. It requires discipline and dedication. I hope I can continue it as regularly as I have been the previous weeks.

I have moved back home. I said this a couple of days ago, but it's still a big change. I slept in my bed again, and I am still amazed by how comfy it is. That's what destroyed my sleeping hours: an uncomfy bed. Yesterday I was awake at 12PM, today it was 11AM. I'm going to bed earlier and waking earlier. Before you know it, I'll be normal.


Normal in one respect.

In all the jealousy inciting that Jenny and Yukina had conspired with me, I left out Carlos's stand up comedy. Jenny covers it well in her blog, so I'll leave you with my thoughts on it. While I laughed at all of the acts, only a few were funny, and only a couple were really funny. Others were plain... well... one had two jokes, one was bad and the other was non existent. Others were just rude to the front row and then everyone else. I helped out with the filming of the event, and I should be able to see it all again, because a few were worth repeating. Carlos was great. I read his script beforehand, and I was worried about it, but the delivery betrayed all my worries, all was well.

I'm still dealing with the let down from a few days ago. While every sad song hits me, I am treating it as an overall positive experience. While I have major regrets about it, I do not regret for a minute the total event, and I view it as a long term learning experience.

Yesterday was eventful. I was woken by a call from Qian asking if I was able to give her a lift to Hammersmith for the tube to Heathrowe. Her bags were roughly four tonnes each, and she had her friend's bags as well, so I couldn't bear the thought of them (Qian and Hue) struggling on the tube for hours trying to get to Terminal 4, so I offered them a lift there and they eventually accepted. Insisting on paying for far too much petrol, they filled up my tank before we left, and despite confusion over the exit on the M25, which has been in roadworks for about a year or so now, with no visible improvement and all the road signs being totally illegible, I made it there with two and a half hours to spare for their International check in. Back to China for a few months for her. I will miss her.

Driving home from Heathrowe, I had a while to think and enjoy some good music. I played The Colour and the Shape by the Foo Fighters, and during one of my favourite songs of all time, Everlong, I think I made a new record for myself. I generally consider doubling the speed limit as going fast. In the 20mph limit over the local bridge, it isn't much of an accomplishment, but travelling home yesterday in a 50mph zone, 104mph felt fast. To be honest, most people were going at 95mph there anyway, as the A3 from the M25 is a fast stretch of road. But it made the music sound better and the drive more enjoyable. While powerful ethereal music is the way forward, and cultural pleasures are preferable, I can still appreciate driving fast to classic rock. I also consider Dave Grohl to be a god, and a genius, which led me to believe that the purchase of the new album by the Foo Fighters is a worthwhile purchase, on reputation and the strength of the first single alone. Which is what I did today. But as of yesterday, my home journey was based around their older, but still brilliant album.

I then went to see Phoebe and Becky at Wetherspoons for an "Entertainer" reunion. It was so strange, as it has been around a year since I saw Becky and a year and a half since I saw Phoebe, and Kirsty showed up and it had been a year since I'd seen her as well. The only person who had really physically changed was Kirsty, who I had never, ever pictured with long hair. Well, it's shoulder length, but the last time I saw her it was almost shaved. That was a shock. Since I had left, Becky had stayed on a while longer, as she was only a Saturday temp, but Andy and pretty much everyone else had left a little after me. And from there, they had a completely new rotation of staff every few weeks it seemed. Every time I go in there it's new faces and new managers. Stocktake Dave (STD) is now manager, while the new Assistant Manager, a South African guy who I forget the name of, is now engaged to Kirsty. Early into the evening we received a call from Kristin, who while unable to make it, along with Andy, did have the intention of coming. I hadn't spoken to her since I drunkenly told her how I felt about her late one night. It seemed that that didn't matter anymore at this present moment as it was all forgotten. But we all had a really long chat with her via telephone, and by the end of the evening we arranged a big, big get together August 22nd, seeing as we are all free at that point.

While I enjoyed the evening hugely, the constant appearance of Becky's friends and the general attitude of people echoed the British culture that I am so keen to be permanently rid of.

Permanently is a strong word. Maybe temporarily, but I'm talking long term temporary.

Today Henny-Ray arrived here, which is a different take to usual as he's usually here when my parents are, so being alone with him is a new step, but it comes with growing up. He's going to take me out to dinner tonight, and I'm thinking sushi, but I already had some sushi today, so I'll have to think it through.

It has been a long entry, but hearing that some people enjoy my long posts is enough encouragement to keep them lengthy. I'm probably off to see Dan in his new house soon. And after dinner, probably Carlos and Jenny. I need to see Emma again though, just because it's been ages. And I want to sit in on a planning meeting with Mizuki and Carlos. Hopefully that will be productive. For now... I'm off to browse Bash.

Sunday 12 June 2005

Long Day

Well, as I am writing this, I am just ending a three day spree with no real sleep. It sort of ended today, but from Thursday, 3PM, when I woke up, I did not sleep properly at all until today at 1PM when I collapsed for about 8 hours. That felt good. My hours officially do not exist anymore. I can sleep at any point and be fine. That's not right. Not right at all. Oh my God.

Perhaps I should explain my previous post in more detail. Carlos being tired and exhausted and close to death meant that me Jenny and Yukina had an evening to concoct a plan to make him regret leaving early. So we decided to all hint at some kind of sexual game that he missed out on, and continued to miss out on for days until he started to get very jealous. So we cracked and told him. It was a fun game. While it lasted.

I had to move out earlier today. I had to be out of my room by 10AM, which meant I was awake all night packing with Carlos and Jenny. Though they spent most of the night watching me pack. Slowly. Though we found a great way of winding Jenny up. If Carlos and I flirt, she gets weirded out. We are both straight, I'd like to emphasise that, but we can't help just making fun of her with it. When it is just the three of us, Carlos and I are so gay. Soooo gay. Oh my God. Which is all because it turns out that he has the most incredible gay voice ever, and since he has been using it every so often, Jenny and I have adopted his gay mannerisms. Oh my God.

I took the plunge with another aspect of my life, and it had the outcome I expected, which mad me sad, but for the reason that it was my own fault. I left it far too late for something I had wanted to do for a long time, and that was stupid of me, but I can deal with it. I'll be sad for a while, but I will deal with it.

I am at home now. My parents are in Greece so I have the house to myself, which means I am making it extremely messy. I'll probably have a small party as well. It's weird not living at Whitelands anymore, but I'll adjust soon. I move into my new house next month, and that should be unforgettable. A house of my own (shared). It's going to be different from halls. I don't know if I should be worried, but I really don't foresee any problems. I'll be fine.

I'm sorry for not updating for a while, being constantly awake and going to Asda for a McDonalds breakfast everyday means there is less computer time. And when I did use the computer at Southlands, I fell asleep to a page of Don't get me wrong, I find the site very interesting, but I was too tired. I slept for just a few hours in that entire 3 days, I am quite amazed with myself. I don't know what day it is though, that has affected me.

Jenny is reading over my shoulder, so I'll finish up. She just giggled reading that last line. She says "Hi,". Continuing, she says, "To everyone," she pauses, "who reads it." I then spent a minute inserting correct speech-grammar. Anyway, thanks for checking for the updates, especially Slack, I know you love this blog. Big kisses! Oh my God.

Wednesday 8 June 2005

Thank God Carlos Left

Carlos had good comedy, it was fun.

But the evening only really took off after he was fast asleep, like a child. It was amazing to have such a wonderful evening after Carlos and Erin and Shun had gone home. I don't know how to describe it.

I suppose orgasmic doesn't quite cover it. This will be remembered as one of the most powerful and memorable nights of my life, let alone the best of my University career so far. I liked it. They really liked it. We all loved it. After the boring people had all left, just me Jenny and Yukina remained, and remained in heaven until 9 the next morning. I'm still floating. I thought I was having a good couple of weeks until now? Wow, I still can't believe it, it only just happened a short time ago. I have never tried anything like that before. Wow. Wow.

I didn't know bodies bent that way.

I know you two will remember this night as much as I will. ;) ;) A wink for each of you.

But my favourite part of the whole night? The fact that it was so spontaneous and unexpected. I mean, we were hinting at it while Shun and Erin were still here, but after they left... kapow. And yes, I mean it. Oh yes. This was the first time any of us had done anything like this, but from the beginning it was as if we were all professionals. God, was that really six hours? It felt like it was over in 10 minutes. Yukina made all the right moves. I tried to fend her off, but she was too powerful. Jenny joined in really quickly, and made what was meant for two people become something for three.

It just felt right, you know? I'm glad no one interfered. We had to move out of the kitchen after a short while. Someone I knew would have probably walked in on us. But wow, man. I can't wait until Carlos goes home early again. It's something he was just not meant to witness, let alone participate in. Thank god for living on the ground floor.

I know Jenny will write about this. She enjoyed it. We all did. Wow.

Tuesday 7 June 2005

Just for Jenny

Well, it's been a while. I knew this would happen. After a few days of daily updates, it just ground to an unexpected halt. But not for long, as in typing these words, I am already updating.

I suppose the focus of the weeks has been the end of exams. Even though I finished exams on Wednesday, every night we have had at least a small party. Most nights, this party has stretched on until 6AM of 7AM, usually with the daily watching of the Harris Hawks and then a cold walk back to bed. But Saturday night was Koji's leaving party. Despite Emma's best attempts to organise something especially memorable, Shun took the initiative and booked Nandos. Not that it wasn't fun, I really enjoyed it, and discovered my stomach cannot handle what it used to be able to handle. So smaller portions from now on. But what was special was what happened after the party. I drove a few people back to Froebel, and we had some brief games with the metal detector, discovering that the ground in Froebel, despite being concrete, has layers of metal underneath. When Emma set the detector off, Kaori astutely asserted that it had become a fat detector, and the size of Emma's behind was then set to fervent debate.

But while everyone else went home, Carlos and Emma and I stayed in the car, and we chatted for hours beyond Emma's usual bedtime. We spoke about everything, and it was one of those chats which you really appreciate and feel you learn something about the other people in the discussion.

I am also still amazed by the proportion of people who believe that I am going to get with Emma. Allow me to emphasise the platonic nature of our relationship.

The past few nights since the late-night-sit-in-the-car-chat have been mainly Carlos and Jenny here watching the Hawks, but they seem to appreciate my limited guitar/songwriting ability with constant requests for my song, Who Ate All My Chinese Pork Steaks?, words by Jo, my flat rep who left the lyric sheet lying around for someone to turn unexpectedly into a song. It's just an Am G F E sequence for the verse and then A F#m for the chorus, like Runaway, but still cool.

And bottle slicing has begun again. Since I showed Carlos how to slice an old chocolate milk bottle with a knife, his waterlust has been incredible, and we have been doing daily bottle executions. It is bringing back floods of memories, and some surprising new techniques.

Today I'm going to take a chance that has an unlikely positive outcome, but hey, it's worth a try. I also had this crazy dream last night. It's one of those you remember for a while, but it is still weird. There was some kind of explosion in London that destroyed the centre, and the rest of the city was falling apart and being consumed by lava. You know, that old dream. But the striking part was that the military, sent in to control and evacuate people started striking out against civilians. I had to go and wrap up an injured girl who'd been jabbed in the neck with a gun by an angry soldier for smashing some glass. I think it was the same girl who was shot in my last vivid soldier based dream. She's really unlucky. She had some kind of card in this dream, a secret card that had high powered audio for signalling hidden away. Not that any of this is relevant.

Carlos is doing his stand up comedy later, and I'm driving him into Richmond for it, and I'm hoping it goes well for him. It must be pretty nerveracking to do that, but he's the kind of guy who can. And I salute that. Slay 'em.

That's a summary of the past few days, here's Linda with the weather.

Saturday 4 June 2005

Ham and Cheese Threesome

Well, interview. I didn't manage to get my tie, but I think I survived it in a snazzy white shirt and mentioning to the South African boss my South African heritage. Hopefully that might sway things a little in my favour. Not that I can stand South Africa or anything relating to it. But I felt it went well.

You know how it occurs to me, it has been a week since the "get drunk" party, and this week has been one of the best weeks? Exams ended, friends congregated, happiness ensued? I'm feeling great about myself, great about being alive. I'm appreciating it, but I'm still trying not to take it for granted. I know I sound like a self help book, but I think this is what life is about: the times that you are happiest, and you will remember your happiness. Ultimately, I am still noticing an underlying sadness, which I think comes from fear, but it pales in comparison to how I have felt in my conscious level. I am content with life right now. I am content with everything around me, and not even idiots trying to be big burly men can take it down (ref: title). I have gone on and on about it this week, but I guess it's because it's the greatest feeling.

Apparently I'm in trouble for my post about massages. Apparently, they were joking. Well, Jenny was. Carlos still plans to add it, I hope.

I didn't get to go to the International Graduation party. Not graduating and not being international, I think I failed two of the primary requirements, but I still turned up at the end acting taxi. Which I seriously don't mind, it was cool to see everyone dressed up so nicely. But the evening left me disappointed that people were running out of steam. The past few nights have had earlier and earlier bedtimes. Wednesday night, it was 7ish everyone left. Yesterday, it was 6. Tonight... 3!?! My God, what? We're losing touch with what it means to be a student, come on!

In other news...

I drew this today. It's more of a DWeb thing.

I have decided I really like the new Foo Fighters song. I would download it from iTunes, but it's only a digital file. I'll buy the album on CD when it comes out. That way it actually exists, and can't be destroyed by a HDD crash. That's the problem with iTunes. Fast server, but you can't download things more than once for the same price. Well, life goes on I guess.

Damn, it's 6:36. And to think, getting up at 10:45 for my 11:30 interview today, I almost had my hours back to normal. At least my tyre hasn't popped yet. Also, it's getting more and more flattering to hear about how many people read my blog. So many people have an interest in my life. This means you, reader. I'm talking to you.

Friday 3 June 2005

Far Too Early

It's currently 6:20 in the AM, and it should be sleeping time. It will be soon, but under life threatening demands from jenny to update, here I am. Updating. Well, yesterday (technically 2 days ago), I finished my exams. I have finished my work, I have finished the course for the year, and as of today I have about a week left to live in these halls. It's a strange feeling. As soon as they start feeling like home, we have to get out. It's a shame, but it has to be done. I have a much cooler house next year.

Last night was weird too. Jenny and Carlos came over and we chatted and watched Family Guy until about 7:00AM (after watching Pulp Fiction earlier that evening with Emma and Kaori and Carlos). On trying to drive them home, I found my front right tyre had been totally deflated, so it left them walking. Today I managed to change it without help, which was cool because I've only ever watched people do it and never really paid much attention to the process. So now I'm riding on the spare, I'll get it checked tomorrow.

Anyway, today I watched AI in Japanese with Kaori and Emma, and it is very strange to see a film you know in another language. I understood it because I've seen it twice before, but when I imagine it from today I remember it with the original voices. It still helped my understanding. Buru Fe-ri. After that we had takeaway and I rushed off to help Qian, but as it turns out she'd already gone to bed as it was almost midnight. So I went to watch Politics (or parts of it) with Shun and Erin and Jenny and Carlos. I took Carlos and Jenny back to my place and we watched more Family Guy and went to Asda again, etc.

What everyone was begging to be put in blogs was what followed after Yukina arrived. It started so innocently with Jenny massaging Yukina and odd dialog going on between them. Carlos clearly wanted a massage as well, so I volunteered and massaged him for a short while until he suggested a swap. Not too keen to try out his massaging technique, I was relieved when I realised he meant he swapped with Yukina, so he had Jenny and I massaged Yukina. So this continued for a while; I think it was something like half an hour. Carlos and Jenny switched places after a while, but I think Yukina was enjoying it too much to want to switch. With the workload she'd been doing I'm not surprised. It sounded like she enjoyed it, and I like giving massages, especially when they're appreciated. Apparently, in all the blogs we will have a similar version of events, except with a slight shift of teasing in each one. So check out Carlos's and Jenny's blog, the links to the right.

We went out to see the Harris Hawk handler after as well (we met him last night, and he comes in to scare off the pigeons and squirrels). It was highly cool as he took off his handling mitt and gave it to Carlos and me to let us hold it, but sadly there were no photos. We got to feed it a semi torn baby chick, which wasn't pleasant but it still meant this huge but very light bird perched upon out extended arms for a while. He's coming back Monday and Tuesday morning with a pair of them for hunting, so we'll probably see some kills.

That's been my eventful couple of days. Relaxing post exams is great. I have no University work until September. The end of September. Wow! And to satisfy Jenny's lust for gossip and recollection of tonight's events: massage massage massage massage massage.

I have my Waitrose call back interview tomorrow at 11:30. I will get about 4 hours sleep. I want to wear a tie, so I'll probably have to go home and fetch one. Anyway, goodnight any of you who are reading this before you sleep.

Wednesday 1 June 2005


It's been so long since I wrote a song, it feels so weird to talk about it. I just had inspiration from how I was feeling and the rhythm of walking down the stairs. It's a simple one, with 'The Tourist' undertones, but I like it. I think Emma needs to help me with the lyrics. I could never do lyrics. But the theme's there, it just needs a bit of honing.

I can't help how I feel. I'm really scared right now, because I've always felt that feeling really great preceded feeling really bad. And I'm still feeling so happy. I drove across London today for Julia on a whim without thought, something I don't usually do, just because I was in a good mood and because I do feel indebted to her as well. But still, I don't usually. So I'm worried that this is all leading to some unexpected and painful fall from happiness. Somehow, I am very sad right now, for the same reasons I am happy, but without getting emo, I am still thankful for the emotion.

But watching 24 today, and spending hours looking for the transcript to paste, I wanted to show you what George Mason said to Michelle Dessler in Episode 17:00 to 18:00. It meant a lot to me, and this is paraphrasing, it still should give the impact of the show.

Mason: Believe it or not, I wanted to be a teacher. And you know what changed my mind? DoD offered me more money. So I made myself miserable, and everyone around me miserable for a measly $5000 more a year. Don't stand around waiting for life to happen to you, find what makes you happy, and do it.

That whole scene is one of the most perfect scenes in television. George Mason's scenes in this series have been so perfect. Xander Berkley is an amazing actor and he plays this series beautifully.

His advice is what will influence me for my major choices, and I hope I remember it. However, as a fortune cookie said today, 'Advise is like snow, let it settle softly and it will be firmer.' I think it means don't take advice too literally, but don't disregard it. Let it mature in your mind and work its way into your life.


It's been an hour since I started writing this post, I should get back to my song. I'm sleeping over at home tonight because I need to take my car in early tomorrow. Curse this exhaust pipe. Despite what I said earlier in the blog, I'm still smiling. I'm still happy, and I'm ready to finish this year. I just don't know what happens next year, but then again, I just don't know what happens next week.