Monday 27 June 2005

Old Habits Returning

I woke today at 1:30PM. I think my old, long forgotten habits of sleeping all day are slowly returning. I must prevent this. I guess it is my fault for reading until 3AM last night. But still, I must not.

Becky came home from an almost week long Biology trip to Wales. It was good to see her again, and she said it wasn't as bad as she said it was going to be. But we pretty much immediately watched the end of 24 Season 2, which had a great conclusion. We're going to start Season 3 today, which I think is great.

In the Manga I'm reading, Bleach, I have just reached chapter 50, but as I do, they get a new translator and a new scanner. The files are more aliased, and translation spells words differently (from 'Shinigami' to 'Shinegami'), and they keep putting shadow effects in the text, which are really obsolete, because the previous scans were perfect, and didn't need any stupid visual effects to make the words more dramatic. I hope they get better or change back, I'm not enjoying it as much. Bah, I'll have to read the original soon.

I had a weird dream last night, that involved taking Kaori to Kent to see Emma, despite it not being where Emma lives in reality. And about 20 minutes into the trip, we realise we should be taking Mizuki as well. So I turn around (haphazardly, by just going over the central reservation). All this occurs, not in a car, like I would expect, but on a scooter (which greatly facilitates the hopping of the barrier on the A30whatever). Now I don't have a scooter, but in this dream I was given one, and it was pretty much new. And it was blue, like my actual car. My actual car being what Kaori and I find Emma sitting in at a rest stop on the way to get Mizuki. Now, I know that dreams generally defy physics and reality, but it seemed so normal to find her there, doors open, on the way back from a place where she doesn't live anyway. And my driving was scarily terrible. I think for part of the returning trip I didn't notice the lanes splitting, and I actually rode along the barrier between them for a good distance.

I think that dream stems from seeing my dad's old scooter and wondering about riding it yesterday. The power of the mind. I'd forgotten about it, but my subconscious hadn't.

Anyway, I'm going to go and shower, then put on the new clothes that I bought yesterday. This marks the end of the perpetual black that I used to wear, and makes it only intermittent black. Colour abound, so be prepared.

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