Sunday 12 June 2005

Long Day

Well, as I am writing this, I am just ending a three day spree with no real sleep. It sort of ended today, but from Thursday, 3PM, when I woke up, I did not sleep properly at all until today at 1PM when I collapsed for about 8 hours. That felt good. My hours officially do not exist anymore. I can sleep at any point and be fine. That's not right. Not right at all. Oh my God.

Perhaps I should explain my previous post in more detail. Carlos being tired and exhausted and close to death meant that me Jenny and Yukina had an evening to concoct a plan to make him regret leaving early. So we decided to all hint at some kind of sexual game that he missed out on, and continued to miss out on for days until he started to get very jealous. So we cracked and told him. It was a fun game. While it lasted.

I had to move out earlier today. I had to be out of my room by 10AM, which meant I was awake all night packing with Carlos and Jenny. Though they spent most of the night watching me pack. Slowly. Though we found a great way of winding Jenny up. If Carlos and I flirt, she gets weirded out. We are both straight, I'd like to emphasise that, but we can't help just making fun of her with it. When it is just the three of us, Carlos and I are so gay. Soooo gay. Oh my God. Which is all because it turns out that he has the most incredible gay voice ever, and since he has been using it every so often, Jenny and I have adopted his gay mannerisms. Oh my God.

I took the plunge with another aspect of my life, and it had the outcome I expected, which mad me sad, but for the reason that it was my own fault. I left it far too late for something I had wanted to do for a long time, and that was stupid of me, but I can deal with it. I'll be sad for a while, but I will deal with it.

I am at home now. My parents are in Greece so I have the house to myself, which means I am making it extremely messy. I'll probably have a small party as well. It's weird not living at Whitelands anymore, but I'll adjust soon. I move into my new house next month, and that should be unforgettable. A house of my own (shared). It's going to be different from halls. I don't know if I should be worried, but I really don't foresee any problems. I'll be fine.

I'm sorry for not updating for a while, being constantly awake and going to Asda for a McDonalds breakfast everyday means there is less computer time. And when I did use the computer at Southlands, I fell asleep to a page of Don't get me wrong, I find the site very interesting, but I was too tired. I slept for just a few hours in that entire 3 days, I am quite amazed with myself. I don't know what day it is though, that has affected me.

Jenny is reading over my shoulder, so I'll finish up. She just giggled reading that last line. She says "Hi,". Continuing, she says, "To everyone," she pauses, "who reads it." I then spent a minute inserting correct speech-grammar. Anyway, thanks for checking for the updates, especially Slack, I know you love this blog. Big kisses! Oh my God.


Eugenia said...

Oh My God Ripton. This blog is sooo gay, so gay!

Anonymous said...

Big kisses, Ripton! This journal is the centre of my life. Slack xx