Monday 13 June 2005

Life Improvement

While I didn't realise it at the time, the past month or two has been subconsciously focused on self improvement. This has taken the forms of several programmes, mainly the purging of vices that have plagued me during my first year at University. Some are life long problems. The most basic improvement is my posture. Have have always slouched in some way, and I have started to notice this in photographs, so I have been training myself away from this by altering the way I walk. My new posture of choice is Morpheus-meets-the-Merovingian arms behind the back style, keeping my back straight. Other ways are things like changing the things I eat, more learnéd reading, physical discipline through the adoption of a martial art... stuff like that.

So while I busy myself with these pursuits, I find they distract me from ill feelings, and help channel any frustration I may have. But they do not detract attention from any good feelings, so these pursuits are wholly positive.

I could consider this blog an improvement, but that remains to be seen. If I can keep it up, then yes, I will consider it an improvement. It requires discipline and dedication. I hope I can continue it as regularly as I have been the previous weeks.

I have moved back home. I said this a couple of days ago, but it's still a big change. I slept in my bed again, and I am still amazed by how comfy it is. That's what destroyed my sleeping hours: an uncomfy bed. Yesterday I was awake at 12PM, today it was 11AM. I'm going to bed earlier and waking earlier. Before you know it, I'll be normal.


Normal in one respect.

In all the jealousy inciting that Jenny and Yukina had conspired with me, I left out Carlos's stand up comedy. Jenny covers it well in her blog, so I'll leave you with my thoughts on it. While I laughed at all of the acts, only a few were funny, and only a couple were really funny. Others were plain... well... one had two jokes, one was bad and the other was non existent. Others were just rude to the front row and then everyone else. I helped out with the filming of the event, and I should be able to see it all again, because a few were worth repeating. Carlos was great. I read his script beforehand, and I was worried about it, but the delivery betrayed all my worries, all was well.

I'm still dealing with the let down from a few days ago. While every sad song hits me, I am treating it as an overall positive experience. While I have major regrets about it, I do not regret for a minute the total event, and I view it as a long term learning experience.

Yesterday was eventful. I was woken by a call from Qian asking if I was able to give her a lift to Hammersmith for the tube to Heathrowe. Her bags were roughly four tonnes each, and she had her friend's bags as well, so I couldn't bear the thought of them (Qian and Hue) struggling on the tube for hours trying to get to Terminal 4, so I offered them a lift there and they eventually accepted. Insisting on paying for far too much petrol, they filled up my tank before we left, and despite confusion over the exit on the M25, which has been in roadworks for about a year or so now, with no visible improvement and all the road signs being totally illegible, I made it there with two and a half hours to spare for their International check in. Back to China for a few months for her. I will miss her.

Driving home from Heathrowe, I had a while to think and enjoy some good music. I played The Colour and the Shape by the Foo Fighters, and during one of my favourite songs of all time, Everlong, I think I made a new record for myself. I generally consider doubling the speed limit as going fast. In the 20mph limit over the local bridge, it isn't much of an accomplishment, but travelling home yesterday in a 50mph zone, 104mph felt fast. To be honest, most people were going at 95mph there anyway, as the A3 from the M25 is a fast stretch of road. But it made the music sound better and the drive more enjoyable. While powerful ethereal music is the way forward, and cultural pleasures are preferable, I can still appreciate driving fast to classic rock. I also consider Dave Grohl to be a god, and a genius, which led me to believe that the purchase of the new album by the Foo Fighters is a worthwhile purchase, on reputation and the strength of the first single alone. Which is what I did today. But as of yesterday, my home journey was based around their older, but still brilliant album.

I then went to see Phoebe and Becky at Wetherspoons for an "Entertainer" reunion. It was so strange, as it has been around a year since I saw Becky and a year and a half since I saw Phoebe, and Kirsty showed up and it had been a year since I'd seen her as well. The only person who had really physically changed was Kirsty, who I had never, ever pictured with long hair. Well, it's shoulder length, but the last time I saw her it was almost shaved. That was a shock. Since I had left, Becky had stayed on a while longer, as she was only a Saturday temp, but Andy and pretty much everyone else had left a little after me. And from there, they had a completely new rotation of staff every few weeks it seemed. Every time I go in there it's new faces and new managers. Stocktake Dave (STD) is now manager, while the new Assistant Manager, a South African guy who I forget the name of, is now engaged to Kirsty. Early into the evening we received a call from Kristin, who while unable to make it, along with Andy, did have the intention of coming. I hadn't spoken to her since I drunkenly told her how I felt about her late one night. It seemed that that didn't matter anymore at this present moment as it was all forgotten. But we all had a really long chat with her via telephone, and by the end of the evening we arranged a big, big get together August 22nd, seeing as we are all free at that point.

While I enjoyed the evening hugely, the constant appearance of Becky's friends and the general attitude of people echoed the British culture that I am so keen to be permanently rid of.

Permanently is a strong word. Maybe temporarily, but I'm talking long term temporary.

Today Henny-Ray arrived here, which is a different take to usual as he's usually here when my parents are, so being alone with him is a new step, but it comes with growing up. He's going to take me out to dinner tonight, and I'm thinking sushi, but I already had some sushi today, so I'll have to think it through.

It has been a long entry, but hearing that some people enjoy my long posts is enough encouragement to keep them lengthy. I'm probably off to see Dan in his new house soon. And after dinner, probably Carlos and Jenny. I need to see Emma again though, just because it's been ages. And I want to sit in on a planning meeting with Mizuki and Carlos. Hopefully that will be productive. For now... I'm off to browse Bash.

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