Thursday 17 August 2006

I Made You Sweat, Didn't I?

Don't worry, this blog isn't going anywhere.

It's just, there's nothing much to write. I have been looking for cheaper car insurance, I have been seeing my sister, and I have been hanging with Emma tons.

Oooh, ooh, Facebook! I signed up for Facebook. Roehampton can now, it's great. I found many people online, though the low quality and sometimes inaccurate pictures make it so I cannot tell for certain if it's the person I'm looking for. But it reunited me with some people I didn't want to lose contact with in California, and Dan started a Roehampton group. I saw some photos of me I wasn't expecting, and I am enjoying it. When I do the redesign, I'll incorporate some kind of badge. Maybe.

Don't worry, minions, a redesign is coming, as soon as I'm not too lazy.

I installed and started playing Prey, which is better than I was expecting. Mandi, you can come over and play as soon as I make my room suitable for humans. Which could be very soon, but I'm very bad at that. But right now, the mess is insane.

Now just because I'm not leaving threats doesn't mean you should stop commenting. I'm loving the extra comments I'm getting, and I think 10 is the highest in a while. And don't expect those daily updates either. Sleep tight internet land.

Here is a picture I didn't draw and am linking without permission.


Anonymous said...

Golly gosh! Well if Ripton is using this facebook thingy, it must be good!

Looks like I may have to join soon.

Tash xxx

p.s. I can't seem to remember my blogger username and password, so until I get home to my stored password, this will have to do!

Ripton said...

You could just ask me, I know most of your passwords.