Saturday 12 August 2006

What is Normal?

Well, I haven't updated in days. I think I'll stop updating until December, when I'll only make three posts, then I'll go and stop again, and then start again in June of next year. How does that sound?

Terrible, I know.

But here's an ultimatum, people: Unless I get four comments on this post, I won't update again. And these comments must be from different people. And only one of them can be anonymous. So you'd better comment, or QB go Bye (remember, you can comment anonymously).

After that you don't have to comment as much, or at all. I just need to know people have kept reading after America. CounterStrike... wow, I have missed that. I'm still not any good, and I barely ever get positive kill ratios, but I love it so. I think I'm getting better after 3 days of almost solid playing.

I saw Dan and Natasha today. I haven't seen them in so long, and it was good to re-acquaint myself with their annoyances and intricacies, and I displayed my annoyances at full blast with the windows down. We had a fantastic day, and Dan brought his car. We drag raced for the first time, and while his 1.2 litre engine does outshine mine a bit, and he did get out from the lights faster, I did beat him home. We argued about who won all night, but I think we enjoyed it. It was a hell of a rush, but I don't think we'll do it often at all. I'm still better at CS no matter what he says.

I also saw Stacey and Mandy today, I hadn't seen them in ages and it was good to have a chat.

Don't you love planning things? I hardly ever plan stuff, people always ask me to do plans, especially in academia, but I hate doing them unless I care about the event enough. I seem to plan endlessly when I care about it.

It was very good to see my friends again, friends are the most important thing when you realise that money is fleeting and time is short. So I love my friends and hopefully they love me. I keep trying to see people online and I keep missing them, so I am sorry, and I will try to be online more.

Anyway, comment away. I'll comment on your blogs too if I see the opportunity. Erin mentioned how much happiness can be attained in achieving something you expected yourself to be incapable of, and how you can make yourself so happy by surprising yourself. While not to the same extent as her, I have surprised myself in what I have done recently, and I am very happy with some of my hobbies.


Anonymous said...

How could you do this to me Ripton! I'm your biggest fan! if you stop updating my life would become dull and pointless! Im getting my 'pro-Ripton-blogging' commment in quick because it must remain anonymous!
Keep at it Big Guy
From one 'Person of Love' to another x x x

Me said...


Ripton said...


Anonymous said...

This does not count as a comment.

I refuse to comment as this is attention seeking at its worst, Mr Poo poo hair!

You cannot count this. Or the comment you posted yourself!

Ripton said...

I won't count it.

Anonymous said...

mandi mandi mandi mandi- note spelling!! (I don't care if I end up being esmererlda margaret note spelling!!!) NOTE SPELLING Mandi (i on the end, iiiiiiii) :D when can I come over and play prey........

Ripton said...

Would you be happier if I edited my post?

Anonymous said...

I'm with stupid


Anonymous said...

Hello you!

I like the new layout, at first I thought it was bash but then I realised it was your blog.

Its been a long time, and on that note, I now bid you farewell but hope to see you soon.

Hugs and kisses
Anon xx

Ripton said...

Who the hell...?