Saturday 25 June 2005

The New Location

Well, if you're reading this, then you have followed your way to the new site. I have different hosting, which isn't better than my previous one, it's just larger (unlimited), and it comes with free domains, so I now have, which is easier to remember, and pretty cool. Some politically minded yet infrequent poster took But if it frees up, I'll grab it. Anyway, welcome to the new site. Hopefully the archive links will work now.

It's been a couple of days since I updated, and I realise that it's less than usual, but that's mainly because: nothing's happening. It's too hot for activity, and computer activity has mainly been downloading torrents (which include some awesome new albums), and chatting to friends. I managed to do some stuff, but it's uninteresting. I picked up my passport from the Merton Council yesterday, and that was the extent of my activities. Today was, luckily, slightly different. I went out with Emma to an Italian restaurant, as tomorrow morning she leaves for Wales for 10 days. It's only 10 days, but still, she's an important enough part of my life to make an impact. But on her return, we will move into the new house. Which I want to do soon, because it's a house, and living in it makes the most of it.

We spent the rest of the evening after the meal watching wacky Japanese television. Very wacky. But just after eleven, I decided I needed to approach bed, and as I drove home, I neared a complete roadblock. Seeing a fire engine, I assumed a fire, but on bypassing it in a smaller road, I saw a silver Ford Ka: upside down. With a blonde woman inside, alive. It was a very frightening image, but I was comforted by seeing her move. It had only happened recently as they were still setting up releasing her, and still lying on the ground talking to her. She was in the driver's seat, and the other side of the car seemed pretty crushed. Any passenger would have been pretty mauled. Oddly, there was an unrelated crash that had just happened (I believe unrelated) a few hundred metres up the road where someone just crashed into a post. Not a good time to be driving on Danebury Avenue.

Anyway, with the subliminal horror-of-crashing images aside, I have had at last a relaxing few days. I helped Jenny move to Whitelands earlier, and hopefully I can take her and Yukina on a driving lesson tomorrow, which would be a bad idea if I pay attention to the highly graphic omens portrayed to me earlier, but I have no belief in that, so I'll be fine.

I'm coming to the closing tracks of X&Y, the new Coldplay album, courtesy of I would not have bought it, and if I find I like it enough, I will buy it. But I'm enjoying it free, as I feel, as a long term ripped off customer, I should be. I'll be updating the design in the next few weeks, but for now I like it as is. I'm coordinating with all my forum presence and messenger services, so it'll wait until I can make it all unify. I wish more people would use Skype. Anyway, for now, I'll be heading bedward, and making an attempt at sleep. I have early morning shopping. Goodnight.

1 comment:

Eugenia said...


Teach me how to use Skype!!!!!!