Tuesday 19 July 2005

Back Online

I had to take a couple of days off, as I have been physically remote from internet connections. And when I have been near, I've had time to make one email and that's it. So, sorry, blogworld, I have let you down. But now I'm back, brief though it may be.

We had the barbecue a couple of nights ago. It was amazing. It took a while to get the fire raging, but the food was amazing. We were given a little foil bowl, with some "tale" sauce, and all the meat was put straight in the sauce from the barbecue, and eaten from this sauce. Delicious. I've never had a barbecue like that. Afterwards, we went inside Hisao's house, and fell asleep after watching Hisao and Megumi's wedding video. Japanese weddings certainly are unique. The amount of dresses Megumi had to change into was getting towards double figures. But the traditional Kimono was an amazing spectacle.



Anonymous said...

割礼 かつれい 包皮切断 ほうひせつだん

Ripton said...

Adam you are consistently disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be, I'm just being wierd. :(

And a bother.

Least I <3 you enough to read and post. >:O

Anonymous said...

HAHA I AM AWESOME!!! yeah. we're going camping without you, mr q.

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