Thursday 7 July 2005

Sad Day

I'm sure all of you have heard the news, and it has angered and saddened me. I wore black again for the first time in weeks today. It is awful, awful, awful.

London won the Olympics.

And London got bombed this morning. But I'm seriously angrier about the Olympics. For simple reasons: I knew it would happen, and I thought it would be much worse. The death toll, I expect, will peak around 60, I hope, and while it is 60 unnecessary deaths, it's a little shy of the World Trade Centre death toll. It could have been much worse, and the impact of this will be felt in inconvenience and difficulty in traveling, which is a shame because I was meant to take the bus across London today.

Ultimately, it's upsetting, but I have been so desensitised by the news and by threats and by warnings that it doesn't horrify me. There have been so many scare tactics used by governments and media for votes and ratings that I am no longer scared when an actual terrorist bombing occurs.

Thanks Governments, you've made mass murder acceptable as an everyday occurrence through constant threats and overreactions and deliberate political spin to whirr us up into a terrorist fuelled frenzy. Using terrorism and war as reelection campaigns, as popularity gainers, it's disgusting, and I hate you all.

Bombs, explosions, death, terror, it doesn't scare me anymore. I'm pissed off about the Olympics. Now, Olympics, that's a real threat to London. This terrorist strike was intended to cripple our transport system. You know what else will cripple our transport system? The Olympics. London was a target. You know what'll make it more of a target? The Olympics. But hey, we'll host the worlds biggest running in circles competition. You'll get loads of tourists to come here... for a few weeks. You'll drive residents away for the same time, and some for good (me).

Though I so feel guilty. When I realised how awful the idea of hosting the Olympics was, I started to hate it. The second I didn't want to win the bid... no other competition had a chance. If I don't want something, it pretty much guarantees it to happen.

Anyway, I need to go and get some food for cooking. We have run out. After only a few days, I know. But it bodes well for future shopping. But the food I'm getting at the moment, well, it's really good. These girls seriously know how to cook. And I'm getting some practice in as I get to help out in the frying and the preparing. Man, I love my new house. I just need to set up the TV.

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