Friday 22 July 2005

Once Again

Last night my time blogging was spent justifying my irony, rather than analysing what I believe to be the first true terror repeat since the second plane hit the World Trade Centre.

Back in 2001, shortly after the attacks, another plane crashed in New York. It made worldwide headlines instantly, and my immediate reaction was fear, followed by great admiration for the intelligence of Osama bin Laden. A follow up attack of similar proportions was the scariest, and most terrifying idea since the idea of watching the symbol of financial prosperity in America crumble.

As it turned out, it was an accident.

Had it in fact been terror that brought down that... what was it? fifth? fifth plane, then I believe the psyche of the world would have been truly damaged. This was before, of course, the psyche was mass manipulated by the government and the media.

Yesterday, two weeks after London was attacked, a repeat occured. Whether it was co-ordinated, or whether it was just a copycat attack, I'm sure the BBC will tell us in time. However, it was unique in the fact that from New York, Bali and Madrid, none were attacked again. London had had two attacks now.

I must applaude the intelligence of those planning, as this is better terror implementation than any of the other cities (and I mean terror in the original sense of the word, not damage). This kind of attack will inspire fear.

Well, that would be more true had they been successful. As it appears, the charges detonated, but the actual explosives did not. I cannot help but chuckle at the idea of four would-be-murderers coughing as their backpacks pour our smoke and as they try desperately to detonate and die.

If that's how they planned to spend their Thursday afternoons, then fine, but what could have been the most splendidly executed act of mass fear inducing destruction, became a stumbling farce that led these attempted killers, not to heaven with twelve awaiting virgins, but to a prison cell with twelve awaiting inmates.

Now, this may sound terrible to anyone who has not yet realised where I stand, but if I were a terrorist, I could have brought about much better terror and still be alive to help plan the next attack. I'm not going to post my ideas here, because logically, any terrorist who reads my blog regularly will take the ideas and implement death. However, let me say that compared to Bali, Madrid and ultimately New York, the London attacks have seemed pitiful (that is if they are not a continuing campaign). The destruction of the Twin Towers was a work of evil genius. The planning, the recruitment, and the execution were all perfect, to a degree. Bin Laden aimed for a target of changing the world, and he hit it in the bull's eye. Imagine how he would have affected the world had he been good? Imagine what kind of man Bin Laden would be if he'd had the opportunity to change the world for good? To be honest, I think he isn't too different from most geniuses, aside from that he is evil enough to kill on a large scale AND he doesn't mind about his reputation.

In case any of those reading do not understand, I do not support terrorism or death in any way shape or form.

Anyhow, I went to the salon again last night. This week, I took the advanced class, and they shot through the work quickly enough for me to start working on their pronunciation. I asked them to say "eleven twelfths" and "five sixths" a few times, and, bless them, it was difficult. Even I had difficulty saying them when I thought about it too hard. If they ever order eleven twelfths of a cake in England, they might not be ok, but I find the scenario unlikely.

I'm due to go into central Osaka today, before Aiya takes me to Pure, a club. Apparently it's ¥3000 to get in, but after that's it's all you can drink. They'd better stock up on lemonade tonight. I'm going to shower now, it's hot and horrible and I need to cool down. Emma arrives in one week today. I have opened my advent calendar.

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