Saturday 30 July 2005

The Weirdest Entry Location

Now, considering where I am, I have been expecting some pretty weird things. I was never expecting this. But allow me to give you some background.

Today, having had Emma stolen away from me unexpectedly by a tornado (ref. previous post), I had a day to kill. I made a post in my blog, as I'm sure you noticed, and then after a short time, which I spent feeling too hot and lying down, I went out with Stuart at about 5, and we made the standard trip via the Nankai line all the way to Namba and then the standard cycle to the Working Holiday centre, where we taught another Friday class. The girls in that class seem to like me, and spend the time asking me how my time was at the club and all. Using Stuart's description of "educational", I think I confused them all. After class we made our way towards a Hotel which I was trying to book for Emma, and spent a long time not finding it.

After I somehow managed to flatten my front tyre, and discovering that some hotels don't even accept girls, let alone have private showers, hotels seemed pretty grim. We cycled to Sportaka, where we met Yoko, and we finally went for okonomiyaki, or however you spell it. Generous tonkatsu sauce made it delicious, and after we had finished eating, and decided that we'd force Emma to stay with us, we went to one of those gaijin bars I'd heard so much about.

Yoko had friends there, and Stuart joined them, so I sat at the end of the bar and sternly looked at the girl who seemed to be full of life and excitement. Someone must have pointed out that I was looking at her, because she walked over to me and asked me to go dancing with her and her friends. Strange enough, I checked with Stuart if it was ok to leave ojiichan's bike at the station overnight, and it seemed so. So I went dancing.

The girls, four of them, took my to a place called Playpen, which Stuart had described as the place where any girl who stepped inside was only there to find a partner for the night. Apparently this was wrong, as these genuinely nice girls were there just to dance. And while I'd almost sworn to myself not to go to another club which played hip hop, I found myself dancing at Playpen, to the likes of Snoop Dogg, and the like. But the girls who had taken me there actually seemed to admire my dancing, and I ended up dancing with the girl who I had started looking at in the very beginning. Her name was Shigeko, and she was very sweet. When she had to go, at about 2:30 in the AM, with her friends, she kept apologising for making me miss the last train and having to spend the night out. I kept telling her it was fine, but she still seemed worried. Outside, the three Americans who'd also danced with some of the girls said goodbye. One seemed to really take against me. I think he thought I was speaking ill of his friend, but it was his misunderstanding. He ended up saying that I was a "tool", and warning the girls about my evils. But one of the girls later correctly asserted it was because I was surrounded by girls and he wasn't. Bless her.

So, feeling guilty, the girls took me to an internet cafe. I was expecting an internet cafe, like the one I posted in from Prague, but instead, I am currently typing in a small private room, which has a computer, a TV, a bed, unlimited free drinks, showers, a tanning salon, unlimited manga, and internet. For three hours.

So I'm listening to Virgin Radio on high quality headphones in a quiet, dark room, having four different flavours of Fanta, relaxing until Emma lands at 8:30. This is amazing. I want to live here. I can watch any DVD they have, any magazine, sleep, read, anything. They have online games here too, it's great. I arrived just after 3, and so I decided to post. I might sleep for a bit to. I'm really shocked by this. I thought I'd let you know. I'm happy, I had a wonderful dance, Emma arrives soon, and I made four new friends.

I also got an email from Masaya, and he sent a photo he took from his phone. Here it is. It's me and the guy I can't remember the name of. He sells Vodaphones, and apparently he's the best in Kansai.

Anyway, I'm going to find a magazine, and maybe have a nap, or watch a DVD. I have another two hours here. Hope things are as happy for you as they are for me, whoever you are.

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