Thursday 21 July 2005

Alternate Learning

It's still early here. Early being day, rather than late night. I spent far too long online last night, because I had MSN working. I know not to make that mistake again. That is also because it's about 8AM in England.

Well, long term readers will know that I used to include pictures of various things that had happened or were going on in my blog posts. Since my camera doesn't work and even if it did I don't have any way to get pictures off it, I have gone to the wonder of the internet to illustrate my journey.

For those of you unfamiliar, here is a picture of Osaka:

Anyway, now you know what Osaka looks like, you'll have a better idea of where I am.

Today, I felt the other side of the learning curve. I met another one of Stuart's Japanese teachers, and I had an amazingly productive lesson. I learnt how to use the gerundive in Japanese, something I hated with such a passion in Latin. But it's much easier in Japanese ands actually practical. Plus, I learnt some Kishiwada slang which I'll surprise Emma with when she arrives. Hopefully she won't know it.

I also discovered that I can cycle from Kishiwanda Nankaio station, a fair distance, all the way home without navigational problems. Independence ensues. Several nights clubbing and partying await, and further teaching, at the salon, is on the cards. The people at the salon are very friendly, like most people I encounter here. They also prepare a feast of fruit and pizza whenever we go. Hopefully less octopus than last night, not that there's anything wrong with octopus. Uncooked. Practically alive.

Jenny, in my comment section, asserted that I have peculiar weather tastes. I think I have the perfect weather taste: suited to the country that I reside in. To me, there's no such things as bad weather, only bad preparation.

Which reminds me... No one, and I mean no one, may view Jenny's blog due to her recent entry concerning me.

Anyway, I have an album that I need to go and listen to, and a relaxing lie down with comfortable headphones will suit me fine. CM, Crimson is currently my most listened to album. Would you indeed consider it their best work?


Anonymous said...

I accidentally saw that post a while back really for some reason.

Guess I'm stalking too hard. :(

I'll avoid bringing up your love of pink outfits with the dwebbians. Until you get "Bad Man" wrote on the back. Or grow a hercule fro.

Eugenia said...

'I think I have the perfect weather taste: suited to the country that I reside in. To me, there's no such things as bad weather, only bad preparation.'- If THAT IS your weather taste, keep it to yourself. Fine. BUT DO NOT JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE'S or maybe you shoudl travel to other countries such as USA or Portugal and see what a good weather IS like? Oh no no no. You r country has got the best weather, FOR YOU. Of course! Rainy days for Ripolio.

Ripton said...

It has BAD MAN written on the back...

Erin's taste in weather is peculiar to me.

Anonymous said...

You all have strange weather desires.

Nothing better than the freezing arctic.

Too bad I'm near the equator. *melts*

Anonymous said...

+10 stylish points for Q

Eugenia said...

And YOUR taste is peculiar to me.

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ previous post.

I don't know from experience, but it is my belief that quasi tastes like every man should.

Eugenia said...

Yes. But do YOU know actually what I was talking about? I was talking about the fact that he, RIPTON, judges our friend's taste of weather. Like you said. Ripton, YOU LISTEN once and for all, if Erin thinks that her weather suits her best. Fine for her. Don't judge her taste. Just like we all respect your weird peculiar weather taste.

Ripton said...

My reference to Erin's weather taste was made in total irony due to the fact that she has very normal weather taste, and my comment of 'peculiar' was meant to highlight my own unique taste in weather, which by all standards peculiar, as I am the only person I know of that desires rain. It was a jibe at my own taste, not anyone else's. This blog is self depreciating, I mean absolutely no offence by anything I say.

Anonymous said...

Might as well start a comment area with that cause it seems these get abandoned every time a new one appears and your message will never arrive. :(