Friday 22 July 2005

Minor Addition

You are Dwight.
You are eager to prove your worth to others. You will go out of your way to protect those you care about and people depend on you to get them out of a mess. Though you are helpful to those you care about, those who rub you the wrong way are in trouble. You are outta your mind and you don't care who knows it.

Which Sin City character are you?
created with

I found this and thought that I might as well. I fear the person who gets 'Yellow Bastard'. Dan Highland maybe...

Bless the Japanese Blogger version. It just asked me if I wanted to view my 'Bog'.


Anonymous said...

Yay, quiz.

Haven't seen that movie yet. As always, I took it for good and bad me.

I'm either Marv or Jackie Boy.

Ripton said...

I would have thought you'd be first in line to see that awesome piece of cinema.

It's the first film I have seen at the cinema three times since I was eleven. That was nine years ago.

Anonymous said...

I was going to see it, but I wasn't sure how I felt about how it looked in the previews. I'll probably see it soon somewhere.

I was 75% that Yellow guy when I got jackie, btw.

Last time I saw a movie 3+ times at the theater was Team America: World Police. ^_^

Anonymous said...

On the subject of entertainment, have you managed to soak in some japanese television? Insane game shows and the like?
