Sunday 17 July 2005

Thoughts on Terrorism

I am seeing on the news everyday, "Vigil held in Trafalgar Square", or "Massive website to commemorate" and then a long article on all the different photos of people being "not afraid" and "not scared" with amusing baby photos and displays of solidarity and toilet humour in the face of adversity. My thoughts: Why?

My 12 year old cousin had her MSN name as, "show the terrorists that we are not affected by the bombs today and paste this message in your msn name". My sister asked her, how many terrorists do you have added to your MSN list?
The terrorists aren't going to see this and go, "Oh no, we have failed." They're going to see this reaction and go, "We made a difference."

Listen: Don't react.

The terrorists are blowing up to get a reaction. They are getting that reaction. They are taking an extreme action to get noticed and to get people afraid. And as much as you say you aren't, making a special effort to say so, it shows that you are.

Seriously, don't react.

Anyway, that's what I posted on DWeb earlier. It's terrible, it's horrible, but dwelling on it is not going to deter them. Anyway, since my last entry, I haven't left the house, so I don't have anything to add as for my Japan experience. I'm about to explore my home town, Kishiwada, and I have a barbeque tonight with the people I taught at the salon.

There were 200 cars avalable to celebrities on a list in a party in this dream I had last night. All these celebrities were in order of celebrity, and they all got to choose their free vehicle. Once nearing the end, just as Muse were stepping up, I waved a shiny Les Paul and shouted that I was in Aerosmith. I got in and grabbed a small but new white hatchback. On returning to school, I spied a pair of two year olds, arguing about when they are dropping out of school, while practising their Icelandic and fighting with rhubarb. I told them that it was best to stay, and showed them the deed to the car to show them the benefits of staying in school. They asked how I got it, and I said I won it by pretending to be famous. It kind of destroyed my point.

Anyway, I'm out of here. I hope to post tonight, but it's dependant on the timing. I might visit Wisconsin sometime.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God thats the coolest dream ever. This is Hap by the way.

Eugenia said...


Eugenia said...

may the force be w ripolio and not let him react too much towards terrorism.

Anonymous said...

haha im just pie now mr. eyes...teehee. have a great day.

Anonymous said...
