Saturday 27 August 2005

The Fun of Public Terminals

I have to say, the network administrators at this University have got some serious fixes to implement regarding Internet Explorer. Scratch that, regarding the whole operating system we have to use. Every time I log on, the first thing I see after the password screen (apart from the extended delay) is an error message, telling me that an "Installation failed", and that I have to agree that it is "Ok". Shortly after that, another error message about the CD writing software has something wrong with it. But back to IE, which was the reason for saying this... I'm on a public terminal, people use it daily, every computer in this university is shared, with no computers actually reserved for particular people, with no preferences saved anyway, so, no, Internet Explorer 6.0, I don't want you to remember my damn password.

I'm logged on to Blogger, I'm not going to log out and log back in before I leave my desk. Idiot.

Anyway, I'm here again because I didn't want to go home again like yesterday, and it means saving petrol. But after I left my home yesterday, I looked out and noticed it was a beautiful night, so I drove to the nearest place without street lights, the local car park where I learnt to drive, and parked there. I stuck my head out of the window, and turned off all nearby lights (but left the heater on, as it was freezing last night).

You know how it is; you look up to the dark sky, and as your eyes adjust, more and more stars appear out of the blanketing dark. I stared for a short while, seeing a greater number every few seconds, until I saw a shooting star. It wasn't my first shooting star, I've seen them before, but it was my first unsolicited shooting star. Before, I'd always been asked to go and look at them, or had read about a shower of them, and looked then. I'd never just looked in the sky and seen one. It was amazing. Very brief, very small, very short, but perfect.

I returned home and slept, waking today at eleven, despite a very odd dream that involved me returning to Japan for just a few days, and in that time, getting injured in an earthquake in Osaka while on the tube system. This injury affected my memory, so in the dream, I had no recollection of it happening. That was a strange feeling for a dream, it was a realistic feeling of memory loss, compared to a memorable dream I had about seven years ago, which had a school friend use the memory wiping thing from Men in Black on me, which felt like being pushed backwards in time. I'm hitting a very obscure tangent here, especially considering that I started this paragraph talking about returning home. But anyway, I met a rabid Ta and my dream was over.

Today I finished my coursework, printed it and handed it in on time. So unlike me! I found the dedication of the students here to be ridiculous though. Ok, the printer gets an error. What does a normal person do? Read the error message. Here? They run away. They leave the print server logged on, and they run away. Maybe in search of help, maybe just another printer. I read their error message, it told me which part of the printer to open, what tabs to pull and how to remove the jammed paper. I unclogged the printer and went on printing while all the unresolving students queued for the upstairs printer, or queued behind me. It was all good, I got it done and handed in.

While printing at the library, I saw Weiwei for the first time in a while. She didn't really say much, she just gaped and told me how skinny I was looking. She should have seen me after I got back and discovered the two for one Pepperoni Pizza Pouches at Tescos. But it was wonderful to see her, albeit brief and spent mostly waiting for her to close her mouth.

Emma and I watched the Matrix, and despite her telling me she'd seen it, apparently she hadn't. Well, she didn't know key plot details. And she hasn't seen the third one, which despite its bad reviews, I find key to the experience. Well, we have a bank holiday weekend, and if the lovers can keep the noise down, we might be able to watch in peace.

I read Maddox today. Turns out he hates blogs. I can't really fault him much on what he says, but I won't change what I do because of his opinions. I still think he's awesome. I think he makes my awesome list. If you haven't seen my awesome list, then it's because I haven't written it yet. Here it is:

Dan W
Edward Norton

That's about it for now. And I think that's about it for the blog. I am actually getting tired. There's probably some crazy stuff I left out and will forget to add next entry and will be forever lost in memory, but you know, it probably wasn't that interesting anyway. Later.

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