Wednesday 31 August 2005

Technocriminals I

I'm thinking that technoculture is more of a techie geeky blog, and just the facts... well, is everything not as fun.

This makes a perfect place to announce the plan that myself and Dan have formulated for the next two years: break every computer rule that the University has.

I guess I'm starting small with this. Technically we're not allowed to access the internet from these computers. They merely have the OPAC browser. But we used some shortcuts and accessed the internet, so that's a small start. From there, we take it further. Dan is currently installing Firefox on his one, while I'm making a blog entry foolishly detailing our rule breaking. Oh, evil us.

I will blog the rule breaking exploits that Dan and I do during this year, unless somehow caught. Which we won't be, since I am doing this with no login. I think these no login computers are a good way to start. Bring on the anonymity. No splel check though

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