Monday, 8 August 2005

Minor Update

This will be te first time I'm updating twice in a day for a while, I have missed it. It's almost time to check in to our hotel, so I'm killing the last of the time by playing Google Maps on a full screen 30" widescreen monitor in the Mac store. Now that's fun. If only I had more time.

There are no Working Holiday lessons tonight, but no reply from Masaya, so I'm not sure if we'll do anything but seep tonight. Em's about to collapse still, and I'm pretty exhausted. We waited at a McDonald's for about an hour, still killing time, and some 16 year old Japanese boys started talking to us with their limited English, it was a fun thing, since we used none of our Japanese, which was better by far, in Emma's case anyway.

Time up, I'm bored because I have no bike, I am unshaven and dirty and not willing to sweat further in the awful heat. I'm done for now, speak to you later.

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