Monday 15 August 2005


Well, for any of you who have been following the saga between Jenny and myself, you'll be pleased (or unhappy) to know it came crashing to a conclusion a few minutes ago. If you aren't familiar with it, the story started at this entry and continued in this post, and then made an appearance in a post in Erin's Blog, before coming to a screeching hiatus here.

Anyway, it concluded via MSN, and short of pasting the long transcript here, I'll leave you with the conlucsion of the issue, edited extremely slightly for context reasons.

Quasi says:

But my admission of oversight error, does it somehow enable you to warn people about my absolute 'incapablity' and 'rudeness' of arriving unannounced at their houses?
EuGéniA says:
but probably i shouldn't have done that......
EuGéniA says:
I know....
EuGéniA says:
yeah ripton
EuGéniA says:
hehehehe i always got your point.
Quasi says:
I'm glad that's in the open.
EuGéniA says:
but i never wanted to admit it...
EuGéniA says:
but yeah
EuGéniA says:
i am sorry.....
EuGéniA says:
stupid i am sorry ok?
Quasi says:
So why did you then go and make eleven entries insulting me on my blog?
EuGéniA says:
EuGéniA says:
i just wanted to piss u off
EuGéniA says:
at that time, i just wanted to piss u off

Anyway, now that's over, I'm probably going to go and take some more medication. My headache is returning. I hope I'm well enough to see Emma this evening.

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