Monday 8 August 2005


I don't have to explain to anyone observant enough to realise that my flight isn't for another four days that I'm not home yet, but I am back home in Osaka. It is strange, but this place feels like home. Having spent the best part of three weeks here, browsing Midosuji, rocking Namba, etcetera, I have found this to be my place of choice in Japan. I am going to miss this the most.

Emma and I spent the rest of the remaining yesterday scoping out the departure area to leave Tokyo from. That was a good choice, seeing as it took us half an hour to find, and much longer to scrape our luggage there. Curse that luggage, curse it, curse it. It's pain-bringing-hell on wheels and a shoulder strap. My back aches again due to its presence and I am fearing the trek to the airport. We managed to find the departure area, and met a fellow English girl here, who had been teaching English in Kobe for fifteen months. She seemed to be loving it as well, despite speaking less Japanese than either of us, and not even having learnt katakana, which is by far the most useful thing to know when living in Japan.

We caught the bus, which provided even less sleep than before, and we survived off sugary drinks and complaining about the speaking manner of the bus announcer. We arrived about six thirty or something stupidly early in Namba, and tried trekking to Tennoji to find a hotel. I went ahead, and was so disgusted by the state of the street that we changed our minds and went to stay in the far more expensive hotel nearer Namba. We can enter the hotel at four, and seeing as it is currently 12:35PM, it gives us a while to go. So, since we arrived at about 7:50 or something, we've been kicking around Midosugi until 11, which is when the Mac store opens, and the free internet begins. I've been on something like half an hour and no one's thrown me out yet, so I'm feeling good. The seat isn't hyper-comfortable, but I'm not complaining. The music's good. We're about to go and find some food for Emma, who barely slept a wink last night on the bus, so she's too tired to chew.

I'm trying to meet with Masaya tonight, but I haven't heard from him. I'm still buzzing slightly about the earthquake. I feel a lot safer here, but it was really fun to be shaking of the room's own accord. The lamp chord banged against the lamp's stand, and bed wobbled, it was a real experience.

As is my usual tale, I have to be going. I spent too long reading the bash updates to really give this a proper entry, but it's open all day, so I'll be back. There's a gaijin working at this store, but his Japanese is amazing. Maybe I can get a job here in the future. All I need to do is learn Japanese, learn about Macs, live here, apply for the job successfully and then I'm in, no problem. Like pie. I'll update later today if time allows, but I won't have too much to say.

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