Saturday 28 May 2005

Enough Coursework

I planned on making an entry last night but I was busy writing 3200 words in a few hours. And I managed it, and it was good, and best of all, I handed it in on time, which makes three assignments in a row in on time successfully.

On detail I forgot to mention in the last post... when I went to see Revenge of the Sith, Jenny had been waiting to see it for a while. Too long, in fact, and she was very eager to see it. While Sky TV showed an advertisement to preview it, it was an ad for 24, and after it showed Jack for a minute or two, it said, "Sky: What do you want to watch?". Now, her timing was perfect, because as it said that, Jenny shouted out impatiently, "STAR WARS!". Louder than she thought. It was perfection.

Anyway, I managed to do my work, and I managed to see Emma and Kaori today. We went into the field and found Jesus. We also got a photo, which I will frame because it's awesome. And while we practiced cartwheels and hand stands, I managed to hurt my wrist, enough that it's making typing this a little painful and catching falling girls very painful. The reason I say that is that everyone came to my kitchen, and aside from Emma and Kaori and me, everyone was very drunk. It certainly led me to see new sides of people I thought I knew. But despite being questioned about it repeatedly, I love being around people, whether they are drunk or not, while I am sober. It doesn't bother me, it makes me feel content.

All in all I enjoyed this evening very much. It is very late right now, and I'm actually exceeding yesterday's bedtime, which is very bad, but I am happy. Very happy. I enjoy how I can feel drunk without any alcohol, it's great.

Anyway, if we're meant to find Jesus, he shouldn't be hiding in the first place.

I'll leave you with that. Not long until Derren Brown. I think it is just over 38 hours. Cool.


Eugenia said...

'STAR WARS'- it was not loud at all!!!!! ^_^

You can't certainly include me in the list of drunk people last night. I was not thaaaat drunk. I felt really sick...that's why I zzzzz....

I'll watch Star Wars tonight. C u tomorrow......

Eugenia said...

'It certainly led me to see new sides of people I thought I knew. But despite being questioned about it repeatedly, I love being around people, whether they are drunk or not, while I am sober'.
Ripton, just curious ^_^ do you not think it's normal see new sides of people when they are drunk? Btw, how well u know these ppl for you to say you 'thought you knew them'?
Anyway.... c u Stls. :-D

Ripton said...

You see, since I'm not around drunk people so much, and people are usually sober when I'm with them, it's a change that I usually don't expect. I mean, it's the question, how well can you know someone? I suppose I just imagine people acting drunk and picture that, and if it's different, I am shocked.

Eugenia said...

Yep. I do understand. You know I guess you just hang out with these ppl in some situations that you guys have been involved in. Not in all situations...that's why you don't know these ppl well. If you think these ppl were that drunk last night... you can't imagine.... worse than this. Don't worry. Don't be shocked. No no no. We're just real party animals when there's no uni work. It was like this last year. See, we're not boring ppl. We just like to have fun. I'll make sure u drink next time and join the club. ^_^