Tuesday 10 May 2005

Trick of the Mind

Now I know a few of you will probably of heard of this Derren Brown. He's a guy who uses psychology and mind games akin to the Jedi to do things with hypnosis and stuff. Anyway, he's just had a big TV show here and he does loads of stuff which is cool.

Anyway, he comes to my University about once a year, and does a free performance, and selects a few people from it to take on to his TV special later.

I just saw him perform, and the bastard...

I was really skeptical before, but after seeing him tonight...

We go in, sign a form, and then he sits us all down, and asks us to put out hands together and imagine them stuck together. He uses his voice and calms us and convinces us, and when we were asked to take them apart, some people couldn't. I could, so I wasn't affected, but my friend Dan, he couldn't and it wasn't until Derren clapped that all the hands came apart.

Those people who had had their hands mentally stuck together, he put them off to one side of the room and continued hypnotising them.

After this, which was weird, he made all those who had stuck together fall asleep by clicking his fingers, and then basically messed with their heads. While they were "asleep" he erased the number 7 from their heads. When they woke, they call counted 11 fingers, and all said there were either 6 or 8 dwarfs with Snow White. None of them could explain where they got an extra finger from. He made one guy think his name was Susan, and then at the end of it all, he erased their memories of it, so while it had taken 2 hours for us, they all though it had been five minutes and it had been cancelled. They would think this until they left the building.

I went up to Dan and asked him to count to 10, and he just went 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10. I asked him to do it a couple more times, and then as soon as we'd left the building, I asked him again and he included 7. I was so amazed. I thought it was rubbish until tonight. I am so overstimulated, but still, this is the most incredible thing I've ever seen in my life, or one of. I just wish it had happened to me. There was much more, but that's all the main stuff. So, so weird.

Anyway, that was today. Aside from mind tricks, I performed a rather enthralling speech about the Data Protection Act, and spent the rest of the day trying to wake up. I have to so something about these hours.

It was Emma's birthday yesterday, and with repeated forcing, I managed to make her celebrate eventually. We went out to that Vietnamese restaurant Dong Phuong, which I did again today, and then Krispy Kreme, which was less amusing than on Friday but just as tasty.

Bearing in mind that this is the second time I am writing this blog as Firefox crashed making me write it up again (apart from the Derren stuff which I pasted from my site), I think I'm doing well. I'm almost at the end of 24 Series 1 now, and it is the third time I'm seeing it, and it's just as good as the first two times, except maybe a little better. I want to see the second series again, because that was good too.

You'll have to forgive this blog, I'm still trying to get my head around seeing Dan hypnotised like that. So, so strange. Anyway, I best be off, I have to figure out how to hand in work that has been deleted from my N: drive at University, and yet still have it in before the deadline of 9 tomorrow. Oh well. Goodnight.

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