We were led to the foyer, offered free drink, but I just took water, and given sandwiches while we were allowed to mingle in this secret location. Dan was saying how there were specific groups selected for this, and we were the student group, and there were also cabbies, psychologists, teachers, lawyers, accountants and celebrities. After a little looking we saw the presenters of Channel 5's Monkey Magic. Well, they were pointed out to us and we weren't really interested. Suddenly people started entering with sunglasses on, and I realised they must have thought they were celebrities (I didn't recognise them) or were with celebrities. While Dan ran off to the toilet, I figured he'd probably meet someone cool in there, so I followed shortly, and as I walked in, I recognised Al Murray, "The Pub Landlord", not that I'm a fan of his work or have found him humourous really, but I was momentarily starstruck.
When I had been to the toilets previously, Dan had pointed out that you could see out of a tiny hole in the cubicle over rooftops in London. Other than we were in London, I had no idea where we were.
Anyway, I walked into the toilets, past an exiting Al Murray, and thought I recognised someone. None other than Simon Pegg. He asked me where we were, and I told him about the peep hole, but Dan came and saw him and shook his hand. His sidekick was there too Peter Serafinowicz, and I suddenly realised I was surrounded by famous people. I also saw Jonathan Ross in the flesh, which was cool, and saw someone from the League of Gentlemen and a Channel 4 news reader, who was later featured in the show. Anyway, one of the big highlights of the evening...
In order from left to right, in case you hadn't guessed, is me, then Dan, then Simon Pegg, then a Roehampton Student who I have forgotten the name of. But that... is so cool.
Well, the show wasn't what I was expecting, which was a dark and eerie show, similar to The Séance. It was more akin to a relaxed stage show with hypnosis. It was funny and clever, and will be broadcast Sunday 29th of May Channel 4 either 10:00PM or 10:30PM depending on the slot. Anyway, everyone must tune in bar none, because I suspect I will be quite visible. Despite a couple of errors, which made him seem more human and friendly than incapable, and a premature explosion that will probably be edited out, it went very smoothly, and I think I was hypnotised, slightly.
Anyway, you have to watch it, it will be brilliant, and will translate to TV very well. I will talk about it more after the show is on, and hopefully everyone reading will have seen it. I feel bad for Julia, because it was her place I was sitting in, but I am so grateful to her and Dan. Well, I shook Mr Pegg's hand and got a photo with him, so I am satisfied. Derren brown is a god.
But speaking honestly, when he came here on the 9th, the show was so much more personal and touched upon me deeper than tonight's show, which was more of an entertainment. He's an incredible man, who really is very talented.
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