Sunday 16 July 2006

Big Sur

Today we had big plans. The evening before we went to Safeway and bought milk and rolls and ingredients to make an awesome picnic. We had a whole trip to Big Sur planned out. Kiana drove down through stop lights and traffic and everything, all in manual. I didn't like it when she took a phone call, but we were ok.

We arrived in Big Sur, asked directions at the information point, and found this little beach, Pfeiffer Beach, down a long, rough road. It was surprising they let non-4x4s on it, but they did. We had to pay $5 to get onto the beach. It was very beautiful though. We found an alcove which wasn't too windy and sat eating sandwiches and Sun Chips and Very Chocolate Cookies for ages. When we'd finished, so she could get her camera, we went back to the car, and I asked the rangers if I could fly my kite. They were very friendly and allowing, saying that it was encouraged. We took the kite back to the beach, and I spent about 15 minutes unpacking it, but it was worth it. The wind was uneven, but was gusty and powerful every once in a while. I did some jumps, and there were shoe trails on the beach four or five metres long where I had been dragged by this thing. There was even a point where it was above me, and I held on, and without jumping, it raised me off the ground, David Blaine style. I was hovering with this kite, it's amazing. I chased seagulls and entertained children, it did feel good.

Instead of packing it away normally, I just rolled it and the strings up. I didn't have time to do it formally, and I think it should be ok for next time. I've seen other people doing it with their kite. After I was done, I joined Kiana on a big rock, and we sat, and I admired the contrasting colours of the ocean and the fog. The fog was a warm blue type grey, and the ocean a perfect teal. It was an amazing join, contrasting line. My phone couldn't capture the colours. I hope Kiana's camera did a better job of getting the colours, I want to use them in some kind of design. I won't forget them though.

Sadly, a misunderstanding followed, and ruined the day. But luckily, selective memory and hasty editing erases it.

I drove the truck home, and I mean that I drove it, as opposed to travelling in it. I don't think the trip from Monterey to Kiana's house has ever been made faster. I wasn't unsafe, and I maintain that. I kept perfect control of the vehicle, even when going over uneven road that usually throws the truck off track. From the smell, I also think I melted a layer of her clutch. But that wasn't the first time I'd done that. I was harder on the clutch the first time I drove her road. Her father says it needs replacing anyway.

Her truck can't really hit and speed worth mentioning. It's not a fast vehicle. But I admire its traction, and I admire that it is very controllable. The winding, paved road was very fun.

When we got back, I watched Tokyo Drift (it downloaded while we were last at Starbucks). It was pretty good. Better than the second one. I'm not sure how much I like the idea of drifting, but I haven't tried it properly. It's nice to hear people talk about driving as something that goes beyond function. How you can take pleasure in something functional, and how it transcends getting from A to B. Driving has meant a lot more to me since I have been here. I have learnt to appreciate it a lot more. It can be one real joy, and I find it a pity that some people don't feel that way. Driving is one very serious pleasure in life. I will take it more seriously when I get back.

The talk about driving has relaxed me. I probably won't be able to sleep, but I'll try to. It's 3:30 now. I'll post this in the morning.

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