Wednesday 5 July 2006


Yukina's gone, it's hard to accept. Erin and I sang the song we wrote together, and it wasn't the same without Yukina. But we will always have the songs, and always have the photos. Something like 430MB of photos and videos. That's more than I have hosting space! Watch out, Flickr, I might have to upgrade to a Pro account.

It's been a horrible 4th of July. I have been down all day. It would have been worse if aliens had attacked, but only marginally worse. At least we'd be rid of LA.

Yukina leaving was sad, but I've just had a hard time accepting all sorts of stuff. I have a feeling I'm bottling a lot, despite my profane outburtsts to myself. I'm also seeing I am a creature fuelled by hatred, and I am most creative when angry. Or at least it feels that way. It's a shame they're only negative creations, and wouldn't really be worthwhile to actually have.

A brief mental calculation has me thinking that today I have posted 8 times my average since starting this blog. I have done two posts a day before (and it won't look like 2 posts because I'm in a different time zone, unless it does look like two posts, in which case disregard what i said), but it's not usual, and I don't do it frequently.

I'm going to stay with Kiana for a little bit. It's very kind of her to let me, and I wanted to avoid it if possible, but CM is incapable of understanding how mobile phones work, and has made himself completely incommunicado. Damn him. I'm going to try and see him anyway.

Aah, writing a post is relaxing. I'm going to miss the wireless internet I'm stealing right now. I don't know if you heard about how cops are going to get unsecured wireless network detectors? Not so they can go and leech with doughnuts and coffee, but so they can inform the users of the risk to security they pose.

Did I do something wrong, officer?
Your networks unencrypted. License and registration please.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, I thought I had a password on, and I thought that MAC addressing...
You had MAC addressing, but the state has mandatory 128 bit WEP encryption standards. That, and your router "Activity" LED is busted.

We totally need cyber police.

Erin and I are standing in Carmel, near Cannery Road, on my first night in California. I love it here. Part of me wants to stay, part of me wants to leave. I miss my people at home, but I'd love to start and make a new life. But it's out of the question for now.

I'm going to Berkeley tomorrow morning. Erin (NEO) has another dance class that I'm not allowed to go to because the girls feel like guys are perving on them, which is understandable. I'm going to discuss stuff, and go to the Amoeba store that Pyro recommended to me and that I found totally by chance looking through Yukina's photos of Berkeley.

Anyway, I'll have more to say tomorrow. If I'm depressed for a bit don't worry about it. I tend not to show it.

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