Sunday 23 July 2006

N, B and Space

Right, I'm fairly annoyed. I wrote up a post on my phone for about 15 minutes and somehow the page navigated away and I lost it, but since I have restarted my computer, the keyboard is working for the mean time. It might be software, I don't know, but I'm going to attack it with a screwdriver when I can, and see what can be done.

Since I can post briefly only, I want to elaborate on yesterday. After the strange encounter with Sarah, that I still don't understand, I went to Starbucks to see Rachel. Being told that she had just left, I lamented online for a while, and saw to myself that I made the most of my time here. That was made a lot easier by Rachel showing up, and being very smiley and friendly, and after a second I asked to hang out with her, and she eagerly agreed, and she gave me her number and arranged to meet on Monday. First a kiss, then a date? It was turning into quite a successful Friday. All the while my computer slowly failed and made it harder and harder to inform you. Since I have removed the DVD drive, it works slightly better.

Today, we woke up and since Kiana was starting her new job hostessing at a restaurant in Carmel, she dropped me at an auto dealer so I could investigate the DeLorean they had for sale. It was so beautiful; $30000, 16000 miles, almost new. Sadly it was automatic, and I doubted greatly that they'd allow me a test drive, but I did touch it and get some photographs. From there I walked to Starbucks which was quite a way away. I arrived and tried emailing. Half way through my second email the curse of the keys hit in, and I was stuck for things to do. So I asked Rachel if I could leave my computer there, and she let me and we hugged(!), and I walked to Taco Bell. I have difficulty resisting that restaurant because it is good and cheap, and we just don't get it in England. After that, I sat outside another Starbucks (I'm not an addict), and I wrote a wonderful post on my phone, which was lost just before submission.

I walked back to Cannery Row, enjoying the air and the smell of race fuel as the bikes all around me revved and showed off. There was a guy parking his girlfriend's pink motorbike, and he got very teased, bless. He was a big guy too. I found it all very cute. I arrived back at Starbucks, and since wrote this post.

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