Friday 28 July 2006

My Date with Erin

Oh wow, guess where I am!

I'm finally on a Greyhound Bus! I wated to go on one, you know,for the experience. Origially, I was goign to go from New York to San Francisco, which would take 3 to 4 days, but instead I'm going from Salinas to San José, which is 2 hours. I have been chatting to a woman who has been riding this bus for 3 days from Virginia. She's asking other passegers for hand cream and perfume. From her descritption of her time, I'm very glad I did't take the long route to CA. I'm thankful for Henny buying me the plane ticket. I'm meetig Erin in an hour and ten minutes, and while I can't post this util I get to her house and connect to Rigsys, I thought I'd let you know what was going on. It probably would be comfortable if my hip wasn't in pain, and Idon't know why that is, but it is.

Anyway, I'll continue this post when I'm on firm ground with an actual internet connection.


I had do to a lot of correcting on that post, the bumpy coach seemed to worsen the keys so that it almost became unreadable. I'm currently in the airport, SFO. It's 12:22, and my flight was at 11:55. That means I missed it. I know. Sucks. But things like this happen. There's no Starbucks in the airport, but there is wireless. I don't have much battery though.

Anyway, back to the title of the post. I arrived at the bus station, and walked to the front, where an old BMW had decided to get around a corner faster than a leaving bus. This wasn't a good idea, and its front end and wheel got trapped underneath the bus, making a wonderful spectacle as this guy revved and squealed trying to get free. He didn't write off the car, he just damaged the front quite badly. Silly man. Erin turned up a minute later, and we travelled around San Jose, watching the millions of people about and ending up at an In and Out Burger (Outtie Burger). We got a drive through (I just had a shake, as I was completely full of the Taco Bell I had with Kiana), but we sat in the parking lot, in the car, with the seats back and the sunroof open, noting that if we had been dating, it would be very romantic. Incidentally, I proposed twice later that night, but that's nothing important.

We travelled back to her house, and I spoke with her brother. He'd just modded his XBox with en Xecutor 3.0. Quite nice, but he'd somehow messed up the BIOS, and needed to redo it. Erin and I made for bed, and she rolled out a sleeping bag on her floor. Despite the effort to sleep and the early rising we'd be doing, we chatted for two and a half hours, about really strange and wonderful things. And we took photos of her doing all the dancing moves she'd been learning. It was good to be back in San Francisco. Waking at 8:20, leaving at 8:40 we drove TO Berkeley, singing more Lion King songs all the way, especially I Just Can't Wait to be King, which we noted was OUR song. And I departed her at Berkeley, and walked to the station. Despite my best efforts, I didn't make the plane. Now I'm in the airport, trying to call Erin to let her know what's going on. This sucks, but it's a nother day in California. And it's not delaying my trip back to England.

I'm sorry Kiana didn't seem to enjoy my being in Carmel as much as I did. But I didn't do it for her. I did it for me, and I don't regret it at all. I had a wonderful time, even if she didn't. And despite her protests, I know there were times that she enjoyed me being there. I came to California to learn more about Kiana, and I did, and I'm happy with what I did, even if no one else is. But it's not as if I live to please others, not in a situation like this. Plus I met loads of cool people, I had a great time, and I felt what it's like to live in California.

I just called Erin, and explained the situation to her. I'm going back to Fremont soon, as soon as I sort out my flight, and I'll try and make the next flight a bit easier. Anyway, I'll let you know what will happen.

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