Thursday 13 July 2006

Relaxing with Coffee

It was a week ago today that I arrived in Monterey, and at this time last week I also sat down in Starbucks and enjoyed tea and coffee, flirting with the waitress, and enjoying the high bandwidth. I am back, as Kiana has her dance class again nearby.

Once again I am here, I just found out the waitress I was flirting with last week is called Rachel, and it's happening again. Sorry ladies. But this accent here is a babe magnet. And the unusual name, and the mystical stance. I feel slightly supernatural, and I guess some people can sense that.

My torrents are finally zooming along. Unfortunately, Arrested Development Series 3 is going fastest, when I need the second half of Series 2 before I can see anything else. Plus the whole running out of space is getting me close to deleting Series 1 before I can share it with my posse of followers eager to share in my new discoveries and original comedy.

Oh my goodness, Rachel just got me another passion fruit tea on the house... what does this mean? Marriage?

Kiana took me to Circuit City earlier today, we looked at wireless cards for her and I looked at rear speakers for my car. I'm thinking about upgrading the sound system, but then I think about how much longer I'm going to be using it. I am hoping I will be driving a better car for a little while, and sooner rather than later. I guess driving the Soarer and Kiana's truck have let me realise that I can drive other cars with enough confidence to adapt to other vehicles quickly.

I tried to tempt Kiana into driving in the city, but she refused, she's not ready to take hill starts with other people nearby. I know how she feels, I was learning not too long ago. And hill starts are quite nerve shattering if they go wrong in public. But that hasn't happened much. My father took me to a steep hill and made my just go up it over and over until I realised the trick. Once she realises what she needs to do, she'll have the confidence to drive in the city. But it's nice to be needed.

I'm enjoying getting emails from people, including some daily correspondence. It's good to share thoughts privately sometimes (nothing against you, my dearest blogosphere). I thank all those who have emailed me. Dan, email me. CM, call me.

Sometimes when I see that a blog has been updated so often I get put off by how big it is, but I tend to read through. In case I have been mentioned or the like. I hope I don't put people off by the size of my blog or its consistent (recent) frequency. I don't think I've missed a daily update for a while. That's nice. My blog is cool. Respect the Q to tha B. I will upgrade my blog soon enough.

Actually, that's a peeve of mine. I saw "Pimp My Ride" vol. 3 on DVD today. I hope people realise my irony when I use the word "pimp", and how I despise the use of it seriously as a term of praise. Since when has idea of being someone who sells women for sex been a positive thing? Since when was that cool? I must have missed a memo. Seriously, stop the pimp worship. Oh, and with pimping rides? People think that adding spoilers to the VW Beetles is cool. It's the ultimate vehicular sacrilege. Spoilers SPOIL the airflow, and reduce the aerodynamics, therefore slowing you down by adding drag. It slows you, reduces your efficiency and makes you look like an idiot. Unless you need one for safety reasons... don't get one. I'm talking to you Dan, in your 1.2 litre Fiat. I know what kind of speed freak you can be.

Kiana's so fun to tease... eventually she hits me but it's worth it because it's so funny to make her squirm and squeal.

I'm going to submit this update as I'm running out of things to say, and so I'll browse the inter-network for a while. I'm running a few possible blog names through my head. I might post a poll to decide which will be the one after next. They each come with a cool design. But thinking about it, it's cooler if you don't know about them until later.

Anyway, stay cool. I might update before I leave Starbucks, which is in just under two hours.

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